Laprun Weyr is located in the Southern Continent, on the southern half of Ierne Island. The northern half of the Island is open for Holds, or Halls, to be constructed, though alot of the land is covered in dense forests. The Weyr is a huge, permanently dorment volcano, with jagged edges. The picture below is a direct overveiw of Laprun, and it points out some important places.

~The Main Hall, which consists of the Dining Hall, Lower Caverns, Candidate Barracks, and all offices, including an official meeting place for High Ranking individuals from other Weyrs, Holds or Halls to meet with the Weyrleaders and Weyrwoman.
~Weyrling Quarters, where all Weyrlings of the Weyr live, whether they be Junior or Senior. The Weyrling Master's office is also located here.
~The Common weyrs, where all brownriders, blueriders, and greenriders reside, unless they hold High Rank (Ex. Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, Wingleader etc.)
~The High Ranker's weyrs, where all bronzeriders, and those holding High Rank, reside. (Ex. Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, Wingleader etc.)
~The Goldrider's weyrs, where all goldriders reside, including the Senior Weyrwoman and Junior Weyrwoman. Their offices are located in their weyrs.
~The Hatching Sands, where the Gold's Clutches are kept.
~Training Grounds, the area where riders and weyrlings alike will train and practice tactics for fighting Thread.
~Laprun Weyr Badge~
Map of Pern
Close up on Ierne Island
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