9 days - March 19 -27, 1998

This trip was completed on March 27. A total of 42 people participated. We started in Portugal, staying in Lisbon. Then we went to Spain, first to Seville, then to Madrid. Side trips included Toledo, the Valley of the Fallen and Segovia.

Virtual Tour of Spain and Portugal

Indviiduals can avail themselves of the information on the internet provided by the various Tourism Bureaus of the cities we visited on this exciting tour, by clicking below for the links provided by EF Tours to these sites.

Once you are linked, be sure to click onto the various city names for a series of other links, including such information as an overview of the subway system of Madrid, various sightseeing opportunities in each of the venues on the trip, and a variety of other valuable pre-trip information. There's even a guide to the bars in Seville in one of the links!

Virtual tour of Spain and Portugal: Madrid, Seville and Lisbon


You are invited to download excerpts from the Newsletter specifically created for this tour. The first issue lists the 42 tour particpants, provides a demographic analysis of the particpants, and gives the address and phone number of the Tourist Office of Spain.

Spain-Portugal Newsletter: No. 1 - December 9, 1997

Spain-Portugal Newsletter: No. 2 - January 23, 1998

Spain-Portugal Newsletter: No. 3 - January 28, 1998

Spain-Portugal Newsletter: No. 4 - February 12, 1998

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