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The Priestess Quintet
(During Books 3-7)
Susannah's version of what happened
Summary: Hogwarts finally gets a new Madme, a crazy young woman whose magical powers can't be questioned, but all of her magicks are very VERY different from everything this world is used to.
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Specific Description of each book
~Year One:
In a Glided Cage: Susannah's first year of teaching and nothing could be more wrong, she has to put up with the malevolent Dementors, Snape's constant dissaprovsion and the minstry trying to take her psuedodragon Andriel away.

For everything that I've done on "In a Glided Cage" click here

~Year Two: Knight of Cups: Susannah's second year, happy that the undead are going and that her services are needed to insure that the triwizard tournament runs smoothly. But through all the year she has a nagging feeling about the reading she did before the year, change was going to happen but one could not tell whether it was for good. . . or for evil.

For an except of "Knights of Cups click here

~Year Three: The Battle of Bastet and Apophis: Susannah's third year, the Death Eaters have returned and Dumbledore has need of as many people as he can to join his side. Actions from the last two years comes to haunt her as she's singled out by You-Know-Who as one who need to join his cause, or one to get rid of as soon as possible.

For an except of both "The Battle of Bastet and Apophis" and the un-named forth installment click here
For Information of the more common magical items of the series go here

For Susannah's arcane spell list and whatnot go
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