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1. Its quite a wyl i can sai i miss ur smyl i miss u i miss us.. but i wud be lying if i do.. coz wat i really miss is not u not us but how it was... =c -denise

2. dont know wat to say never ment 2b this way.. wat can i do 2 make u mine? falen so hard, so fast dis time what did i say, wat did u do? how did i fall so much in love with u... -denise

3. i love u but im not asking anthing in return i never ask u 2 care for me 2 think of me 2 miss me or even to love me but i cant remember did i ever ask u 2 hurt me?" -abby

4. wen u left i cryd wen u left i almost died all alone i tryed to love on but wen u left it seemed dat all hope was gone and now i wish i told u wat i felt so i wudnt be wodering what couldve been....... =c - sis

5. know what? i dont know why i still smyl even wen u hurt me.. i dont know why i still hope even wen u say im not for u i dont know why i still love u even wen its clear dat u cant love me back... =c -linz

6. I made this along time ago.. a thousand words wont bring u back.. i know coz i tried. neither wud a thousand tears.. i know coz i cried u left me with pains and gud memris 2 but i dont want memoris i want u..! ='c

7. i love u bt u make me cry u hurt me & make me feel stupid but u know why i hold on? coz i know il be crying harder get hurt even more & feel dumber than ever if i let u go...... "-paula

8. I h8 u coz u make me cry I h8 u coz u always lie I h8 u coz ur never der I h8 u coz u never care.. now im confused abt d things in such coz I h8 u for making me lhuv u so much.. -paula

9. If u wanna say gudbye I have no choice but to say gudbye 2 u 2, but remember that behind that gudbye is undying hope that someday somehow ull be back in my arms again. -lance

10. U came but u left u kissed me but only in cheeks u said I lhuv u but only in text n graphcs u showd me lhuv but only gud for friendship. -Sabrina

11. I locked my heart N toss d key so dat no1 cud enter again den u came along n juz wen I thot id never loved again, u found the key n showd me tom. You had it all along. -lyra

12. I wud rather have u in my day dreams dan lhuv u in my real world wer I cant own u and u cant lhuv me back at least derz a moment in my life wer I cud keep u 4ever and wen u ar mine. -sharon

13. I don’t wanna loose my eyes coz if I do I wont be able to see u smile I don’t wanna loose my hand coz if I do I wont be able to hold u tyt but id rather loose all this than to loose you.. -Linz

14. To love is nothing to be loved is something, to love and to be loved is everything, im nothing, your something so let me be your everything.. -janet

15. If der were no music id still sing love songs 2 u if der wer no feelings id still care fo u if der wer no love at all id still say “I lhuve you” -Linz

16. I know that ryt now yer dreaming of someone else I also know that ryt now yer in lhub w/ someone else I juz want u 2 know dat ryt now u are my some1. -paula

17. Why do you have to leave me now that im madly inlove with u, why do u have to say gudbye now dat my everything is u, why do I have to set u free, now I know that all I need is YOU.. -Kim

18. If your alone ill be yer shadow if u want to cry ill be yer shoulder if u want a hug ill be yer pillow if u nid to be happy ill be yer smile bt everytym u need a friend ill just be me. -Paolo

19. Tell me wer it ends and ill stop tell me wen to go and ill leave tell me wen to be a friend and I will but don’t tell me wen to stay away from u for I cant.. -eileen

20. If my eys fails 2 see u if yer sweet fails to
reach me if my skin fails to feel ur touch wat senc this life wud have if ur d only one that completes me.. -francis

21. Ive forgotten my broken heart, ive forgotten the tears ive cried ive forgotten the pain in me and al the hurt inside ive forgotten all of thse and what ive been thru but despite all this I still haven’t forgotten you.. -consy

22. I wud give up my happiness to never see u blue I wud give up eternity to always be with u I wud give up my life so thaturs wud be new I wud give everything juz to make u love me 2 -Sis

23. I gurantee der will be tuff times I guarantee that at some point one or both will want to get awt I guarantee if I don’t ask u to be mine ill regret it for the rest of my life. -sharlene

24. Don’t look back and say gudbye don’t whisper words to make me cry just walk away if you have to do u will break my heart but I promise I wont let u know. -Jonah

25. Der are only few things in life that I ask for but still most of them I never got to have this time I hope my only wish comes true I wish I could just have you.. - jill

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