1875 With Milk
After eight years of experiment, the Swiss Daniel Peter puts the first milk chocolate on the market in 1875.
1879 Melting Sweetness
Rodolphe Lindt of Berne produces chocolate which melts on the tongue for the first time in the year 1879. He added an important contribution to the history of chocolate by engineering the first conching machine. In the conches, chocolate is kneaded for hours until the warmth makes the last fluids and the unwanted, acidic aromas of the chocolate evaporate. The result is fine tasting, creamy and rich chocolate with no off-taste.
1900 Changes in Leadership
Spain, formerly the classic land of chocolate, falls far behind. Germany takes the lead in consumption per head, followed by the United States, France and Great Britain. In just a decade or two another country will be playing first violin in the orchestra of the chocolate nations - Switzerland. The reputation of Swiss chocolate, bolstered by unbroken series of medals at international exhibitions, has not only fallen upon the ears of foreigners. It has also conquered Swiss palates. Like bratwurst, rösti and fondue, chocolate has become a national dish.
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