1732 The French artisan Debuisson invents a table to grind cocoa. It still needs
manpower but it makes the processing more efficient and the hard work a little more comfortable.
1737 The cocoa tree gets an official Latin botanical name from Linnaeus: Theobroma
cacao. The name refers to the mythical background of the tree and means literally: "cocoa, food of the gods".
1747 No Hawkers
In the year 1747, Frederick the Great forbids all manner of hawking, especially the hawking of chocolate.
1765 Although cocoa originates from the Americas, the United States only
got to know chocolate in 1765. It was John Hannon - an English state commissioner - who first introduced it there. Together with Dr. James Baker, they built the first chocolate factory in Massachusetts.
1778 In France, Doret built the first machine that automatically ground cocoa beans.
1780 First Factory
About the year 1780, the first machine-made chocolate is produced in Barcelona.
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