1704 Chocolate Tax
Towards the end of the 17th century, chocolate makes its appearance in Germany. The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in 1704. Anyone wishing to pay homage to its pleasures has to pay two thalers for a permit.
1711 Chocolate Migration
Emperor Charles VI transfers his court from Madrid to Vienna in 1711. With the court, chocolate moves in by via the blue Danube.
1720 Chocolateers
As early as 1720, the coffee-houses of Florence and Venice are offering chocolate whose reputation reaches far beyond the country's borders. Italian chocolateers, well versed in the art of making chocolate, are, therefore, welcome visitors in France, Germany and Switzerland.
1725 Botanist Henry Sloane dedicates the first complete monograph to the cocoa
1726 King George I raises taxes on chocolate sales and consumption.
1728 The family Fry sets up the first chocolate factory in Bristol, UK, using
hydraulic machinery and equipment to process and grind the cocoa beans.
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