
the Frontier '

Warrior Digest

warriors Digest 2

Gods Chalice

Tales of chalice

Nils journal

Wizards Wisdom






Warrior Digest 2

This second volume goes in depth into the many changes that are occuring. First of note is, the origins of the elves and their changes.

The Races of Chalice

The elves were the second of the prime races that were birthed on Chalice. The Imortalis (Gods) created the elves out of the clay that rested at the foot of Ysgadal, as well as the seeds that germenated forth from its universal branchs.

The Florian high elves were created thus, and there were three groups.
Lunari-changed to Narasidien
the Narasidien (Nara-as-i-Deen); the elves of starlight were birthed to the darkeness and starlit sky of chalice. They were awestruck by what they saw, and quickly fell in love with the very night they were birthed into. Narasidien elves or (Starlight elves as men call them) Have all the typical stats of the Lunari from the main book. the Narasidien skin color tend to be light skin, and in the moonlight glow slightly illuminating a fivefoot radius when the moon is at it zenith. The Starlight elves call this the illumination of the Imortalis a blessing. In the Narasidien family one out of ten children are dark skinned.
Sulari- changed to Skyrasidien

The Skyrasidien (Sky-Ras-i-deen) these were the second of the Elven race to awaken. These elves gazed upon the dawn as the rays of the sun first broke against the Blue skyies of Chalice. Instantly the sun warmed their flesh and gave the elves the bronze hued color they posses to this day. Humans have named these elves the Dawn Elves. The Dawn elves are known for their love of the seas as well, they are the best ship builders besides the Quill in all Chalice. The Dawn elves have all the abilites noted in the l.a. handbook, under the Sulari elves.

Dimmarandien (Dim-ma-ran-deen) of the last of the elves, they come about as the sun slowly descened into the sky and the moon came forth. These elves, men would call them the Twilight elves. For it is said that their birth came upon that twilight time between worlds when the sun gave up his throne to the moon. The Twilight elves have all the special abilities that are shown in the main hand book under the Grindari. They have a pale white appearance almost ghostly. it is said once per day they can make their bodies incorpral like a ghost, a blessing that is said to have been given to them by the Imortalis.

The lesser Elven races came about but from splitting, and contant change that the elven race has under went over the ages.

The Dhrow where the first of the lesser races that were created. the Dhrow Elf race was created by the Imortalis, and were stolen by the god Talranon and his evil daughter Loth. to their folly these elves where created unfinished for they were never blessed with the blessing of the Imortalis like their brothers. Upon awakening to the light these elves fled in horror from the power of the sun deep into the bowels of the world, and would forever war against their blessed brothers. The Dhrow stats appear in the Legendary Arcanum players handbook.

The Abyssal Bane Elves were once mighty Dawn Elves led by the clan Summerdawn. Several years later, after the Phoenix wars ended, these Dawn elves had learned much from their hysoril partners and in their dark dealing began to call forth Daemons and princes of the Lower Hells. In promise of mighty magics and power the Daemon offered them a deal the Dawn elves could not resist. The Dawn elves would have to offer up humans as part of the pact as well as the most treasured prize of all elvendom, Shalastar Dawnwind, the fairest elf queen in all elvendom. it was through trickery and guile that they sacrificed the elf queen.
This began the Lament war, between the Skyrasdien. This war lasted hundeds of Anems and evenutally forced the evil Dawn elves to flee with their Daemon partners now their masters to the Lower Hells. The Abyssal elves wage a covert war against there brothers awaiting the day of their return. The Abyssal stats appear in the Legendary Arcanum player handbook

The Aberoridien came forth during the great days of Malchior. they are of Twilight Elf stock but due to the many yares of dwelling with humans they have became much like them. They are still blessed with the blessing of the Imortalis, with their imortality; they share a kin ship with humans. the Aerboridien stats will appear in Warrior Digest 3

The third race to be born upon the world of Chalice is man.

The Imortalis after creating both dwarf and Elf, descided that a third race should be born, this race would be the pride of Helios Crowngold the leader of the Imortalis gods. he went to his brother Nieblung Krag the father of dwarves and bid him make a hearty race that would be as beautiful as the elves as well as sturdy as the dwarves. He spoke to Krag beseeching him to this task. Helios know full well for the other races to be mighty they need a catylast, a spark to ignite there power. Krag loving his brother began the work. Helios then went to all the gods of the Imortalis and bid them give great gifts to the new creations. With what was left of clay of life and seeds, the five races of man would be born.

The Imordien (the Long lived) were the first of race of man. They were blessed by the Imortalis with long life spands much like the elves, and they would be the keeps of human lore on chalice. Through out the ages the Imordien supposedly faded away due to the fact they had low birth rates.

The Valordien (The Valoric men) were the second most powerful of man, and where known for their deeds in battle and their hieght over men, the Valos as they were called by their brothers stood no shorter than seven feet and no taller then eight. Their lienage lasted until the days of Malchior, and were said to have been wiped out by the Daemon balar of Malchior.

the Aseirween (the men of Aerbor) these are the men that exsist today, and have indeed been the spark that was need to further the other race to their great heights. This is common day man.

The Mangrel (half men) these men were created with what was left of the clay of life Nieblung Krag had left. These men came forth twisted and bent unlike the rest of their brothers. The Mangrel forever jealous became the bane of men to this day, and seek to supplant his dominion of Chalice.

Shadween (men of shadow) Early in the days of men, elves and dwarf, the Shadween were very much like their brothers, except there lives were forever changed by the honey words of Talranon, who wished there to be strife amongest the races of man. These men listened and their souls became dark and twisted they became the eneimes of their brother and fought terrible wars against them. They were destined to lose against the long life of knowledge of the Imordien, and the valor of the Valos, and the Aesir who steadied their brothers. The wars forced the Shadween west and across the sea, to this day none have seen their passing.


New character races
abiilities of the imordien ( the long lived)
+1 to con
+2 to intiative
- 1 to st rength
-1 to dex
Sa. Mist of memory. The Imordien has the ability to remember and sense place, information, and things from the years gone by. He gains a +4 to his knowledge checks dealing with ancient languages and ancient history.
gains bonus 2 languages. They also gain, ancient Floral, and Malchoiric
Sa. Shield of the Imortalis: gains a +4 fort bonus against poisons.
has the regular abilties, skills, and feats of humans detailed in player handbook.

Abilities of the Valos (the Valoric men)
+2 charisma
+1 to wisdom
-2 Dexterity
Sa: Smite Evil; the Valos gain the abiltiy to smite evil one per day, much like a paladin does.
Sa. Valoric cry: This ability come forth when a Valos cries out. in battle the Valos’s warriors, or comrades gain a +2 attack bonus to their strikes. This power last the up to the Valos’s charisma bonus a round.
Becasue of their hieght the Valos gain a +4 damage bonus to creature one step smaller, than themselves.
The Valos gain all the human bonus concerning feats, skill, and abilites as described in the player handbook

Sworn Enemies of Chalice

The sworn enemies of the Chalice are many, and plauge the good races, with their need for battle, revenge and plunder.

The evil gods of Imortalis, were not pleased by what their brother and sisters had created when they gave birth to the goodly races of Chalice. In their spite they, poisoned tricked or birthed many of the horrors that the races of Chalice battle on a regular baises. Here are but some of the new enemies that have appeared.
(Note, creatures such as orcs, goblins, and gnolls do not exsist in the world of Legendary Arcanum. They can exsist in your own campaign, but on the world of Chalice they never appeared.)

Sworgan or Sworgs-(Swore-gan) in the tongue of the Aesir, these creature resembled boars that walked on two feet like men. It is said that these creature were once Mangrel human that gave their souls to the evil god known as Talronan. The Sworgan are creatures that hate all life but they hate man worst of all.

Gyrm-(Gwee-urm) the hounds of Growler Steelclaw, were created when the evil beast shaper gods beheld the Elves for the first time, and hatred grew deep in his heart. He wished to create his own creations, so with the left of peices of the clay of life, he created the Gyrm. They resembled the elves, tall and strong. Yet while the elves were gracefull, the Gyrm were brutish and bull dog like. They had the senses of beast, and could track for miles. Growler in his hate of the Elves sicked his creations upon the Elves, and thus for Thousands of Anem, both the Gyrm and the Elves have battled.

Weapons of Chalice

Sworg Slayers- +1 magical longsword. These, magical Longswords were forged, during the the Sworgan Wars between Brindarmour, and the Sworgan Confederacy. The dwarves aiding Brindarmour crafted the weapons to aid in the mens struggle. Sworg Slayers give a +1 bonus to attack and damage against Sworgs. They are enchanted with a dweomer which glows when ever a Sworg approachs. Any Sworg that attempts to touch the sword suffer 2d4 points of damage, from it’s touch.

Elf bane Blades- These swords are crafted by the finest Abyssal iron, during their wars with the Dawn Elves. These blades have a magical glamour of +1-+5 against elves depending, upon it’s craftman ship anf often glow with a fierce red and purple hue denoting it’s lower hell origins (note, D.M. choice). Any elf who attempts to touch, the blade is seared for 2d6 points of damage. Any elf touched by the blade contracts iron sickeness.

Loinblades- These are the fabled blades of the Loins of Varanguard, and are forged by the Loinairs of Varanguard when they past into the knight-pride. These +1 blades are said to only be able to be shattered, only if the Loinair dies or is killed, due to the blood bond betwwen sword and master. It is said that the Lionair actually uses his own blood within the crafting process adding some of his essence to the blade.
Loinblade +1 magical blade. Warns of danger, when a intruder of evil intent enter within twenty feet of the user. The blade due to it’s masterwork creation has a glamour that is considered everbright, the blade always glows unless the Loinair forsakes his pride and honor. In the hands of an evil person the sword loses all its magical abilities and will not function, reverting to a regular long sword. Note there are Greater and shorter sword versions of the Loinblade even though they are rare.
Isle of Mandros- it is said to be the isle of the dead, and is home to the last houses of mortals. The spirits wait by the viel of the misty shores, for the boat-man god Charion to ferry them across the into the afterlife. Charion brings the spirits to the alabaster shores of the isle, where they are then greated by the celestial spirits of the Imortalis and led to the Golden halls of Avalanis where the spirits find eternal peace and rest.
Note the Elves and Dwarves do not beleive this. The Elves believe when they die, in battle or are killed that their spirits will ascend to the bright moon-star of Anuiver and walk through the gate to the stars.
The Dwarves believe that they will become one with the earth to replenish the world for the future generations of dwarves, returning to the clay they were born from.


Heliath Welwithin, Floral ( Fare thee well)


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