Wong Giok Leigh is passionate about the power of Communications to Influence.

Leigh is continually in awe of how an salient idea - encapsulated in a beautifully composed image or a collection of strategically chosen words - have the power to move individuals, groups and even nations to action. Leigh draws inspiration from the ancient Greek saying, often quoted by advertising legend, David Ogilvy:
           When Aeschines spoke, they said, "How well he speaks."
           But when Demosthenes spoke, they said, "Let us march against Philip."

Leigh has an
MA in Corporate Communications from Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, USA, where he graduated with a 3.900 GPA. As one of the top graduates of his class, he was inducted into Kappa Tau Alpha, the National Honor Society for Journalism and Mass Communications. The Society recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication.

Prior to that, he obtained a
double BA in Speech Communications and Philosophy at Geneva College, Pennsylvania, USA, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude. Upon graduation, Leigh was inducted into Alpha Chi, a national honor society, and was also recognized in the Who's Who Among Students in Senior Colleges and Universities 2001 directory.  During his undergraduate studies, he was on an Honors Exchange Program at Oxford University, UK - which he regards as the most fulfilling academic time of his life to date.

Leigh is also aware that it's not always easy to figure out how to pronounce his name, so here it goes: [Hard 'G', as in "God"]
G - ee - awk Lee.
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