Strategic Planning, Insight & Direction
Leigh relishes opportunities to engage in critical thinking and strategic insight to develop strategies and tactics that empower brands and organizations to communicate with influence.

Creative Thinking
Leigh always enjoys engaging creativity � inside and outside the box - for perspectives that make the difference between good and great.  

Written Communications
Leigh never dreamed he would end up a wordsmith but he's continually amazed whenever artfully arranged words influence attitude, behavior, conversations and thoughts.

Oral and Presentational Communications
Speaking with impeccable presentation skills since young, Leigh is often tasked to successfully pitch for new business, and to conduct training and group dynamics for various groups and organizations.

Leadership and Organizational Management
Leigh is humbled that others recognize him as a leader with vision, charisma and organizational management skills, to successfully lead teams to achieve their set goals.

Interpersonal Relations
Leigh often finds it easy to work with people - and, thankfully, the feeling is mutual! Many colleagues and clients have enjoyed collaborating with him on numerous projects.
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