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Middle-earth RPG

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New Dolls:

New Historical Doll ~ Disney Awards Up!! ~ 4 Contest Entries Posted

News and Events

Yes, it's May. But I'm almost done with my first year of college! Crazy... anyway, here's one new historical doll.

Happy New Year, all! You'll be pleasantly surprised to know I have a new doll in the historical section, and... the Disney awards are up! Yaaay! What a fantastic present, right? Yeah I deserve little thanks because it took so long, lol. Enjoy!

4 new contest entries! And in the middle of finals week too - I'm rather proud. Once the craziness dies down here at school I'll get to all the inquiries about the LOTR forum as well. I'm glad to see there's still interest in it!

First two contest entries posted! Remember to vote in the Disney contest - it'll be closed soon!

NEW CONTEST OPEN! Pick your color palette and make a doll! Don't worry, I already have the award bases made, so there's no threat of abnormally long delay after voting! Go enter! And don't forget to vote in the Disney contest while you're at it...

No "new" dolls today, but I did re-do my first faerie... she's in the fantasy section next to the old one. I'm much more proud of this one. :)

BIG NEWS!! *winces for blow to come* Now that everyone's completely forgotten about the Disney contest, it's VOTING!! Yup, I finally got back to it. Free evenings at college are few and far between, but when they happen, they're glorious. So, moral of the story is, if anyone still visits here, please VOTE! I have the award templates ready, so they will be posted on time! VOTE!

So I'm going to try desperately to make some changes to the pages on here that have long been out of date. Starting with a small disclaimer on the "Crystal" page noting unpublished revisions...

Ok so we're reading Utopia in my humanities class and, believe it or not, I was inspired by the simplicity of the cover. So, I have a new doll named (guess) Utopia. I think she's going in the Others section...

Amazing! Another doll! However she's a gift, so she's unadoptable.

New doll (amazingly)! It's Galinda from Wicked. 2 new awards also posted... my Arwen bridge doll won 2nd place! I'm at college now, so I have very little time to doll, but every now and then inspiration hits!

No new dolls today - posted an award for my Hermione doll!

New Arwen doll in the Lotr section - the bridge gown.

One new doll made for my sister - an unadoptable version of her in the casual section.

Still breathing! And I graduated! I write to you now from my new collegebound laptop (fondly referred to as Dellbert). Small update, only one new doll for you - she's a bridesmaid for a contest over at Amy Lynne's.

It finally happened! I have started up an Lotr RPG called Journey Through Middle-earth. Go take a look and feel free to join! Use this banner to spread the word - the more the merrier!

I added a link to it in the sidebar on the left as well.

So I finally got rid of that outdated poll on the left side, as you'll notice... that RPG may just have to become a reality - if you'd all help me spread the news. :) Anyway, in its place I added a link button to the current RPG I am now a part of, Fynrir. Take a look!

New doll - my RPG character Leilariel! She's travel size, for my convenience.

Whoa. I didn't realize how long it's been since my last update! I entered a Harry Potter contest with a new Hermione doll in her Yule Ball gown. It's under the character section!

Big update! I finally got all of the Disney entries posted, so at this point the contest is still on and hiatus is on hold. Also one new doll under the "Other" section - she's a cardinal I made for a Winter Birds contest.

Ok so this is a celebration update to... celebrate... my acceptance to Luther College! For those of you who don't know, it's pretty much my dream school. So I have 3 new dolls for you - 2 fantasy and a formal. Hiatus, unfortunately, is still on... but I've been doing more dolling so hopefully I'll be back in full swing soon!

Gah. Ok, so I know this is the 2nd time this has happened in the middle of a contest, but I'm going on a temporary hiatus... I've had absolutely no time to doll lately, but hopefully this won't be long and I hope to have a few dolls for you upon my glorious return. Apologies, friends!

Award posted: 2nd place in an "Inspired By" contest.

No new doll stuff, just thought I'd post a little Lotr comic I made while bored.

One more entry... three more needed!

Yet another contest entry added!

One more contest entry added - still need at least 5 more! Come on, it's DISNEY, people! :)

Sorry about the delay! 4 entries posted for the Disney contest... sorry to took so long to get them up! Keep them coming in!

NEW CONTEST OPEN: Disney!! Everyone enter! Accepting 10+ entries!

New doll in the FANTASY section - a character from a book I'm trying to get down on paper.

Sorry about the delay - I was up north. New doll in the Historical section!

New Lotr doll: Eowyn's refugee outfit. Yes, the shading's sloppy, but I was a bit rushed... please forgive.

New Star Wars doll: the flame handmaiden outfit from Episode I.

Awards are up! Congratulations and thank you to all who participated!

Voting is closed on the Padme contest, and awards will be posted as soon as I finish making them (nearly there)!

All 10 spots have filled, and the Padme contest is voting. Head on over and have your say!

Two new Lotr dolls! Eowyn in the Victory Gown and its underdress. Blue coat to come. I wanted to doll an Lotr dress not many others had. I love them, but I just couldn't get the shading right. There's so much to the dress!

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