


My Artwork



About Me

Middle-earth RPG

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You can also check out my artwork at Elfwood, but I thought here would be another good place to post it and get some feedback. I'm not professional or anything (FAR from it!), I just like to draw. :)

Drellion Maid
For any of you who have read my book-in-progress "Crystal," the little floating creatures are drellions.

Arwen Profile
Not the "movie" Arwen - I started drawing a face and when I got done I realized it was almost exactly how I pictured Arwen before Liv Tyler came along.

Green Faerie
A cute little sketch I did in green and blue colored pencil.

Arwen's Coronation Crown
I swear I have an unhealthy addiction to this crown. This was the first time I've ever really sketched it... I also wanted to try to dp Liv's profile as I think it's lovely.

Braving the Storm
Can you tell I was outside in the cold before I drew this?

Handheld Magic
A piece I did while sitting on the beach up north a couple years ago.

Hogwarts Student
A rare, "full scene" picture I drew 2 years ago - it actually started with the book case and kept going...

Padme Gown 1
Another character I love designing gowns for is Padme Amidala of Star Wars. No clue where this one came from - it's quite eccentric but I've become rather attached to it.

Water Nymph
A colored sketch I did while experimenting with different poses...