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A Breif Summery of...  ME!
    Hello.  My name is Lucas D. Alderson and I am a seventeen year old water gardener from Scottsville, KY.  Though some people would think it odd that I would be so involved in this hobby at such a young age, I think it would be odd to not be involved in water gardening.  Water gardening just seems to come naturally to me and I have enjoyed it from the moment I discovered it just a little over three years ago.  Ever since I can remember, I've always LOVED animals -- though I have never really been into plants.  I built my first pond five years ago with the intent of keeping koi and goldfish.  For the first two years, the goldfish were the only living things that existed in the pond.  As I got more and more goldfish, I often thought that they needed some type of shelter and a place to spawn (so I could have even MORE goldfish).  A neighbor who also has a pond told me that he had seen a sign across town in someone's yard that read "Pond Plants for Sale" and the more I thought about it, the more psyched I was to go investigate what the lady who lived there had to offer -- so I decided to go see for myselt.  And that is where it started...  Donna Garris, as I would later come to personally know her, is honestly the driving force behind my submersal into this AWESOME hobby.  I still remember the first day I met her and my first plants I ever got from her...  a Mayla hardy water lily, Pickerel Rush, and Miniature Cattail.  I took those three plants home and got them planted in the pond.  The fish LOVED THEM!  So I decided it was time to go back and get a few more -- after all, her prices COULDN'T BE BEAT at just $10 for a full grown, potted lily.  I got a few more lilies and was shocked when she GAVE me two extra lilies.  These also found their way into my ponds.  On this particular visit, Donna introduced me to the Victoria-Adventure Mailing List - of which I am still a member of today.  She gave me her email address so that we could correspond about the plants and correspond we have done for the past three years.  She has helped me so much and I owe a great deal to her -- over 50% of the plants I have came from her ponds and most were free.  Donna also introduced me to another great pond friend, Marie Fisher, who is the smartest person I have ever met when it comes to water lilies.  She is also a very generous lady and has given me a great deal of plants as well as TONS of pond advice.  Marie exposed me to many trade forums, to which I took an immediate liking.  Through trading with all kinds of people all across the United States, I have built my plant collection to the amazing numbers that comprise it today...  And though I have been involved with literally hundreds of people people, I can honestly say that only one of these didn't have a desirable attitude.  That's a testimony in itself for this hobby.  Well, I guess that is enough about me for now.  If you are interested in finding out anything else, you'll have to email me at [email protected] or IM me on AOL at LAPondsandPlants.  Please feel welcome to keep browsing my site and remember, if you have any questions or comments about this site or about water gardening as a whole - I will enjoy hearing from you.
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