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My Ponds!
    This is a picture of the first pond to ever be dug at my house.  It is been up and running for about 2.5 years now.  The materials to build it was paid for by my mother and all my family pitched in to help build it.  It's about 2.5 feet deep and the rocks do go all the way down to the bottom.  It is about 6-7 feet across in both height and width.  All the plantings were done by me.  This picture was taken at dusk on September 07, 2004.  It contains four hardy water lilies, the pickerel plant (big arrowhead shaped plant on the front right side), MANY water hyacinths, and a few other plants.  This is the pond where most of the fish I own reside (25 goldfish, 4 koi, countless minnows, and even a small bluegill or two).
    This is my second pond which I installed earier this year with the help of my family.  This was my first real pond that I could consider ALL MINE.  It is not as big as the first pond shown above but that is only because I got a piece of scrap liner for free.  This pond is approximately 8 feet long by 3 feet wide by 1.75 feet deep.  The rocks surrounding this one just go down to about 6 inches under water.  As it was relatively shallow, I didn't add shelves.  Some rocks, such as the one that the elephant ear is setting on, actually pretrude far enough out from all of the others and are set deep enough to place marginal plants on them (the elephant ear kind of looks like it is outside of the pond but, trust me, it's pot is submerged a good 6-8 inches.

     This pond was designed mainly to hold plants.  It has the most plants out of all of the other ponds and its a better environment for plant growth than the other two ponds because it recieves more sunlight and has less fish to nibble on the plant's leaves.  This pond is home to 8 waterlilies, plenty of water hyacinths, mosaic plants, and parrots feather.  This pond has less fish than the largest pond; only four koi and several gambusia (mosquito fish).
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