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Donna Garris    If the truth were told, Donna is the true reason that I started water gardening.  Though I had had a lily or two (both didn't make it very long - but that's beside the point) before I met Donna, my interest in water gardening peaked after I met her.
     I first met Donna when I stopped by her house after seeing a "Pond Plants for Sale" sign in her front yard.  That day I left with a waterlily (Mayla) and two bog plants.  This was the start of an addiction...
     After I succeeded in keeping all three of the plants alive for a few weeks, I journeyed back out to Donna's house to get a few more.  This time I was delighted when she even GAVE me a few lilies.  I bought some more and once again left to put them in the ponds.  It was during this visit that Donna introduced me to the IWGS/Victoria Adventure email discussion list.
     I placed the plants in my pond upon arriving home and that night got on the email discussion list to learn some more.  That night I found out Donna's address and we have emailed many times each week since then.  Though such a friendship between two people of such varying ages is not common, I will have to say that I have learned almost everything I know about water gardening from her and my other friend Marie who is also older than me.
     After many more trips to Donna's, I now have quite a large collection of plants.  Most all of my plants are from Donna.  Many I bought and others she gave to me.  My two favorite lilies that I own (Euryale and Albert DeLestang) were given to me by Donna.
     Donna was diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor not long ago.  Through chemo therapy and surgery, they managed to remove the tumor and she is doing much better now.  Though the chemo is getting her down, she still keeps on going!!!!!  This year it will be much harder for my friend to keep her business running but she seems most appreciative that I will be there to help her...  And I have nothing to lose and only knowledge and lilies to gain!!!
     No doubt this is one friendship that was built to last!
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