Air is the element of the East. Air is all movement, storms, wind, and noise. Air is good to call upon when you need inspiration, new ideas, or you simply need to relax. Air is like thought; it moves a great speeds but can be seen only by their manifestation, as the tress bend in the wind. So the element of Air relates to our ability to think, to analyze, to be detached and reflective. Commune with the Air, go out and feel it's breathe upon your face its fingers through your hair let it guide you. This can be a ritual in itself, not needing to go farther in your ritual. It could be as simple as smelling the breeze, tinted with the seasons flavors.


Direction: East

Qualities: hot and moist, light and active

Colors: Crimson, yellow

Magical phrase: Noscere, to know

Zodiacal signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Season: Spring

Hour of day: dawn

Celtic name: Airt

Magical tool: Dagger

Types of Magic: To find object that has been lost or stolen, magic of the four winds, visualizations, divination.

Symbolic creatures: eagle, human

Alchemy symbol: Right side up triangle

Elemental spirits: Sylphs, Sirens, Harpies, Centaurs, Frost Giants

Elemental kind: Paralda

Symbols: sky, wind, clouds, incense

Plants: aspen tree, mistletoe





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