Water is the element of the west. Water is the beginning of life, and is sometimes described as the womb of the Goddess. It is the sea, rain, and snow. We can feel water, contain it in a bowl, immerse ourselves in it, and yet water runs off us runs from between our cupped fingers and escapes from bowl or bucket, never more to be gathered. Water exists in a special relationship to life on Earth; fore our bodies are about 75 per cent water, as the globe of the Earth is covered, in similar proportion, by the oceans. Water is the element that relates to the emotions, to tradition, community, feeling and love. Communing with the element of Water is simple, go and stand in the rain, swim in a lake, pond, or ocean. Or in winter immerse your self in a nice warm bath and commune that way. Think about the powers of the water, invite the Undines to join you and free your mind. Watch as the dance and float on the water.

Direction: West

Qualities: cold and moist, heavy and passive

Colors: brownish gray, blue

Magical phrase: Audere, to dare

Zodiacal signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Season: Fall Hour of day: twilight

Celtic name: Iar

Magical tool: cup

Types of Magic: divining, dowsing, reflective magic

Symbolic creatures: scorpion, snake

Alchemy symbol: upside down triangle

Elemental spirits: Undines, Water Babies, Mermaids, Nymphs, Water Faeries

Elemental King: Niksa

Symbols: waterfalls, all bodies of water, waves, fog, rain

Plants: all water plants





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