Fire is the element of the South. Fire is power, determination, and strength, because of its chaotic nature. It is also associated with passion and energy. It's the sun, the stars, and the heart or center of the earth. Fire can eat up and destroy. It can cleanse and purify, it can throw 'new light' on a situation and it provides warmth, cheer and a raising of spirits. But you must respect Fire and not blow out its flame as if you gave half of your praise of it to air. You must extinguish using a candle dowser or covering the flame some how so as not to lose its respect. You must especially do this during ritual, never extinguish a flame using water, air or earth. Also if possible let it just die down by itself, unless the fire spirit is out of control, then use what ever means necessary to extinguish it. Fire relates to inspiration and to vision beyond the here and now, the act of projecting consciousness into the future, going through boundaries, to unpredictable places and to stimulate imagination and creativity. It is an element of energy in its purest form.


Direction: South

Qualities: hot and dry, light and active

Colors: white, red, orange, scarlet

Magical phrase: Velle, will

Zodiacal signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Season: summer

Hour of day: Noon

Celtic name: Deas

Magical tools: fire wand, lamp

Type of magic: tantra, healing, candle magic

Alchemy symbol: right side up triangle with a horizontal line through the middle.

Elemental spirits: Salamanders, Firedrakes, Phoenix, Fire Sprits, Fire Giants

Elemental king: Djinn

Symbols: fire, sun, stars, volcanoes

Plant: nettle








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