Earth is the element of the North. Earth is the stones, soil, Trees, plants and living things. Earth is the element that is basic to our survival, our grounding and it is from the Earth that we have sprung, and to which we shall all return, until the time that we are reborn, again upon Earth. The Earth is good to call upon when you need to find answers, and is the element used for recovery and healing. When Summoning the Elements we must be very focused so that we send out a very clear call. The Elemental Monarchs are glad to help further human understanding of the World of Nature. Most importantly is that we must respect the elements when dealing with them in Ritual or in our everyday life. Respect the Earth, and treat it as if it were your place of Worship. You would not pollute a place such as that or burn the books. So you would not pollute your forests, earth or cut down trees or other sorts of destruction that loosens our tentative alliance with the Earth Spirits.


Direction: North

Qualities: cold and dry, heavy and passive

Colors: brown, black, green

Magical phrase: Tacere, to keep silent

Zodiacal signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Season: winter

Hour of day: midnight

Celtic Name: Tuath

Magic Tools: pentacle, crystals, stones

Types of Magic: fertility magic, tree magic, herbal lore, prosperity, Rune casting, knot magic

Symbolic creatures: bull, sphinx

Alchemy Symbol:

upside down triangle with a line through the middle

Elemental spirits: Gnomes, Dryads, Elves, Oreads, Flower Faeries

Elemental king: Ghob

Symbols: mountains, caves, gems, fields, rocks

Plants: red poppy, thrift plant








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