

Mark has today flown out to Hong Kong to meet with producers of a high profile martial arts action film. The project is under wraps but once Mark can tell you what it is expect to see news of the project first here.


I can now reveal officially that Mark has flown out to work with none other than Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen! Stay tuned for more news.


Mark has now landed and settled in well. He has recently been to get his costume sorted and his teeth fitted(!) for his vampire role. He has also met Donnie Yen and showed him the "Displaced" trailer, apparently he was very impressed.

Shooting started today and Mark will be out on location for a minimum of 4 weeks. More news to come, in the meantime why not check out the BBC's news story on Marks visit at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/lancashire/lifestyle/2002/10/17/jackie_chan.shtml


Mark has been away for several weeks now, and whilst filming was due to start it has stumbled a little. Mark however has made the best of his time by preparing thoroughly and has been in the gym every day. So much so that he now feels that he is in the shape of his life, watch out Donnie!!. This has prepared him so much so, and has impressed colleagues so much that he has now been offered the option to film a number of re-shoots for Jackie Chans forthcoming flick "Highbinders". Watch out guys.


Quite a stir was caused the other day after a restaurant in Hong Kong had to be cordened off. This was due to the presence of Mark and a couple of his colleagues from the set of Highbinders. Whilst the majority of press that turned up were probably there to snap pictures of Mark, a few may have been there for his meal buddies, none other than Jackie Chan and English comedian Lee Evans.


Marked has now finished his work on Highbinders, where he fought the master Jackie Chan. Mark finally began filming on Tuesday, ironically his first scene being a fight with Jackie Chan. 


Mark has returned home after completing filming on The Twins Effect. He was received well back in his home town of Leyland where a small welcoming party was arranged. Mark has since been the subject of a full page spread in the local press and is continuing his work on other projects.

Also up now is a page dedicated to "The Twins Effect", click here to go straight to it.

View the archive news.

March - May 2002 May - Sept 2002

This page contains all the latest news regarding Mark Strange and will be updated regularly.

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