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by : Meirani Khairunnisa

    A yo…!! Do you know that word? Usually that word is used by many rappers in America. That is called music language, some word which is combined with western song. However, nowadays asia which is eastern site has made a great development in entertainment world. That is very good improvement that can make a feedback between western and eastern.

    Firstly, in America there are so many variation of music. Start from classic music such a waltz and orchestra until the newest music style which we call as modern dance and electronic music and it always develop  everytime. As the result most people in the world get the influence of this event not only from the music but also the culture. As we know that most western country have some bad habitual such as clubbing, bisex, free sex, criminality, half-naked clothes, and soon. Usually some of that bad behavior is shown in the music video clip. That’s why most the lovers is automatically replacing their behavior as the influence of following their idol.

    Secondly, the effect of the western goes to asia, the eastern site. of course, they see the performance and the appearance of western style in the culture of music. Nevertheless, they do not directly follow the style. Fortunately, most of them have strong principe to keep their polite behavior but they also do not want to be in left of development. As the solution, they try to make the innovation by combining the western and eastern music culture. But at the first of course they filter the western  style then combine it and make very amazing result which is not deviance but that is modern. For example the effect of K-WAVE, the new music style from South Korea which are boyband Super Junior, SHINee, TVXQ, EXO, etc and also girlband which are Girls Generation, BoA, f(x),The Grace, etc. Apart from South Korea, Indonesia also has produced their human resources, they are Agnes Monica and Anggun C. Sasmi  who are famous in America and France.

    To sum up, in Entertainment World there should be development everytime, however  we still have to keep our value and norm as a social human, we have to be polite every time to protect the eastern culture eventhough we live surrounded by high technology.



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