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by : Meirani Khairunnisa

    Nowadays, most children in the world like to watch anime (Japan cartoon). They assume , that is because they like the animation, picture, and the effect in the monitor. It just like a real movement. In fact , apart form that’s physical appearance is there another  factor that influence?

    Firstly, anime is a cartoon animation which has drawing style from Japan. Usually, the character behavior is like daily life. The old cartoons usually have monotone behavior, common, and predictable story. It was full of imagination. It made most children got bored. The function of cartoons in television is to make children stay in the home. They will be seldom to stay in their home. That’s why, Japan people made the innovation. They made the manga or anime with their new style. So the picture is looked real and story is like the real life. They were mixing the reality of life with fantasy. The stories and the conflics is very colorfull. As the result, it could make the children stay in the home.

    Furthermore, the anime does not only show the movement picture. In one story, there are many characters, each characters have their own personality. Usually, there are good message and behavior behind the story. Unpurposely, the children got the lesson by watching the anime. It can help the parents form the characters of children. The examples of famous animes are NARUTO,INUYASHA,BLEACH,HUNTER X HUNTER, etc. However, some of the scenes in anime also can show something bad , such as crime corporation, violence, rude speaking style, and free-bad friendship. It can affect the children’s mental to apply the same thing such the examples. Not only that, the religion also involved in this problem. As we know that the anime make the deviance in religion. For example, in SPONGEBOB the main characters teach us to pray to the magic shellfish.

    In conclusion, the anime have so many advantages that can help the parents to have much more time to be together with their children. It also can help them to form the characters of children. However, there are some drawbacks of watching anime such as a hidden messages and violence. In fact, see the advantages and use it is more beneficial than we waste our time to consider about the drawbacks, it means the parents have role to be responsible in keeping and controlling their children.



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