The possibly, recently ancient and moderately worshipful shrine


And ye, doth Frances' knee spake to thy guests in a knee and spaking manner

"Heads will turn, as will many stomachs as you drive past in this baby!"

Most recent update: 5/15/2004: I've had an email informing me about broken links, and in fixing them I realised that this website needs a nicer layout and full overhaul. I shall be doing this in the next couple of days, so if links don't work etc. it's all a girrafe's fault. Damn those tall animals.

Most recent update: 7/8/2004: I've completely revamped this site. Nice, isn't it :D (Read more updates)

Hello. This is my (nightshade_pheonix) little site, created in one of my many moments of insanity with the support of Jolinar. What is this site here for? To share the genius of *trumpety music* SHAUN MICALLEF!

Recently came into existence, which is wonderful. Until that (more official than this one) site came alone, this was the only fan created tribute on the web for two years (to the best of my knowledge). So I am proud of that...All of this content took a lot of enjoyable hours to set up, so be off with you on your journey of Micallef fanness!

Why does this site exist? Because Shaun Micallef has knees. And he is a comic genius and worthy of much praise. Is this not reason enough?
Ok ok, so we two idiots happen to be very silly. Obsessive in fact. We both think that Shaun Micallef is the best comedian this side of the anonymous blue toilet called Daris Dunnydone, and we like knees. A bit. So, after several jokes including knees on the fine Micallef Tonight series, Frances' knee asking several very important questions and the fact that Shaun hurt his knee, we thought:
Nightshade_Pheonix="Pie. Dingledangledonglesmoothy. Doctor Who. Yellow. Knees. France's knee. Shaun's nose, foot and knee in a boyband. Hmm. Food. Website..."

Jolinar="Charley. Stargate. Wot you talkin' bout willis? Homework. Llama. Hmm. Shaun Micallef. Internet. Video. Knee. Website..."

And so the two idiots, stumbling out of assembly wondering what was going on because they'd been thinking about Shaun's knees, decided to do something about it. Jolinar took on the role of biography researcher, co-image finder, motivational thingy and "YAY!"-er. Nightshade_pheonix began to type up the coding for the site, add general content and take a hell of a lot of images from Jolinar's Micallef Tonight videos with her digital camera.

And thus this wondiferous piece of wondiferous wonderment was born in a wonderful manner. It'll be wonderfully constantly added to as well :)


We hope that one day we can basically know that Shaun's knee (and maybe the rest of him) know we exist. We would be rather happy. Ok, we'd bounce up and down yelling about it for three years strait as we ran across assorted beaches and milked cows for no apparent reason...PIE!

Should you want to contact us with some Shaun's-knee-ey goodness (or other bits of him that are not involved in 103 of the world's most corny crude jokes), feel free to contact us at either:
[email protected] OR [email protected]

If you have concerns about broken links and general bad management of the website, blame [email protected].


What horror? Channel Nine has AXED MICALLEF TONIGHT!

"Nine's Melbourne programmer, Len Downs, said yesterday the show failed to attract the audience it needed to sustain it. We believe Shaun Micallef is a great talent," Mr Downs said.

"We are disappointed that the program did not reach our ratings expectations."
For the past few weeks Enough Rope has consistently rated higher and this week only 293,624 viewers tuned in to watch Micallef interview singer Ricky Martin in Melbourne, compared with 359,790 for Denton chatting to singer Kate Ceberano on the ABC. The figures were similar nationally, with 821,192 for Micallef and 1,119,758 for Denton."-
Extract from The Age, August 6th

That cleared up, have a look about...

Fly to the top!



Web Design and content © Nightshade_pheonix. All insanity caused by this site is not legally my fault, so ha ha, you can't sue me.



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