The possibly, recently ancient and moderately worshipful shrine


And ye, doth Frances' knee spake to thy guests in a knee and spaking manner

"Wot you talkin' bout, Willis?"

All the sound bytes I could find on the net.

A 23 minute interview with Peter Cellars about "Welcher and Welcher"(ram format, 1kb download)


Non Myron

Click here to see 'Non Myron', my very own series of Myron animations.

Sad little me and my digital camera bring you these videos. They are bad quality so you will want to buy the videos legally. Sadly there is no sound, just visuals. These are meant to simply give you an example of the yayness of the shows, no profit is expected and they're all the property of their relative owners. Please don't sue me!

Nut-ella is peo-ple...PEOPLE!
Size: 439 kb
Sorce: Micallef tonight, aired 21/7/03 (I think)
Content: One of the best jokes of the millenium. Sure, you can't here it, but at least you can watch it!

Shaun and crutches
Size: 300 kb
Sorce: Micallef tonight, aired 21/7/03 (I think)
Content: Shaun throws away his crutches. *whipes tear from eye*

Size: 215 kb
Sorce: Micallef Pogram, series two episode one
Content: Clay animation a-la Micallef.

Random talking
Size: 104 kb
Sorce: Micallef Tonight, I've forgotton the airing date
Content: Shaun talking about something. Great stuff.

Random thingy
Size: 104 kb
Sorce: Micallef Pogram, series two episode one
Content: Shaun getting into a chair in a very odd manner.

Size: 203 kb
Sorce: Micallef Pogram, series two episode one
Content: Shaun as a reformed dracula who has lost at pool. He pulls down his pants and runs about the pub. Classic comedy!

One of the best sketches
Size: 2198 kb
Sorce: Micallef Pogram, series two episode one
Content: Shaun doing some gravity defying stunts whilst collecting bottle of wine

Title sequence of Micallef Pogram
Size: 793 kb
Sorce: Micallef Pogram, series two episode two
Content: The title sequence to the Micallef Pogram

Title sequence of Micallef Tonight
Size: 628 kb
Sorce: Micallef Tonight, airing date 28/7/03 (probably)
Content: The title sequence of Micallef Tonight

Visuals of old music video
Size: 876 kb
Sorce: Micallef Tonight, airing date 28/7/03 (probably)
Content: An old Micallef skit with Lavinia and Frances, doing their version of "Coming up"...I mean old as in 1980!

Fly to the top!



Web Design and content © Nightshade_pheonix. All insanity caused by this site is not legally my fault, so ha ha, you can't sue me.



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