The possibly, recently ancient and moderately worshipful shrine

Multimedia- Non Myron

And ye, doth Frances' knee spake to thy guests in a knee and spaking manner

"Wot you talkin' bout, Willis?"

One of the best segments of the Micallef Programme was Myron, a small blue plastacine man who always lost a bodypart in each short animation. Finally, having collected enough blu-tack to make my own Myron, I hitched up my digital-camera's pants and off we went. Coloring my new spin off series: "Non Myron" (french for "Not Myron" or so Mum says) with a blue permanant marker, I used my sketchbook as a backdrop and took photos. Sadly I had to clear the table for lunch, but one day I shall once again make more and present to you "Non Myron".

Click on the titles below to view my wondiferous animations!

Le Parapuie Mal -269 KB, 21 seconds. AVI.

Le Dalek-346 KB, 27 seconds. AVI.

Oops-240 KB, 18 seconds. AVI.

Le Lune-272 KB, 20 seconds. AVI.

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Web Design and content © Nightshade_pheonix. All insanity caused by this site is not legally my fault, so ha ha, you can't sue me.



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