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Random things -Nameology

And ye, doth Frances' knee spake to thy guests in a knee and spaking manner

"Hear ye! Hear ye!"

Ok, so this is what happens when I'm left alone in a room that just has word processing and a disk drive and my brain hurts from Maths revision.

What�s in a name?

Commonly, a collection of letters, some of which are capital and often a space. But I�m not here to talk about any name of course, but that of Shaun Micallef. I had quite a little bit of fun with it 

How can you have fun with a name you may ask. Well�

For starters, if you touch type it but start on the letter next to �s� you can get:
�Agayn Nuxakkwd�, �Djsim ,oxs;;rg�, �Xnzk k z..dv� and �Wyq7h j8dqoo3r�.

�Agayn Nuxakkwd� sounds like a race of invading aliens, �Djsim ,oxs;;rg� their evil leader and �Xnzk k z..dv� the hero who thinks that all earthlings shouldn�t have to die, so he breaks the code that the alien invasion hinged on, �Wyq7h j8dqoo3r�, and saves the earth.

If you put all of the letters in together minus spaces, you get:
�agaynnuxakkwddjsimoxsrgxnzkkzdvwyq7h j8dqoo3r�

This can be both the name of Xnzk�s girlfriend and, when arranged alphabetically produce the combined isbn number (�aaa dddd gg h I jj kkkk m nnn ooo qq rr ss u v ww xxx yy zz 783�) of Gillian Ruebenstien�s book �Double act� and a Stephen Pike novel, �Chilled�, and some others that I will not bother naming.

If you re-arrange this, you get the passage:
�Adding no wads you do quak jk jk xxx yzz vwwq dkk rrs ghmn 783� Which of course makes no sense. However, if you re-arrange the letters in �Shaun Micallef� alphabetically you can get: �aa c e f h I ll m n s u� which, when put into a passage can say �Sun hill malf ace� (Malf being a name of someone) BUT if you put �aaa dddd gg h I jj kkkk m nnn ooo qq rr ss u v ww xxx yy zz 783� and �aa c e f h I ll m n s u� together, you can make the passage:
�A cad of a quak quills no 783 and vwikx a dayz yong nvj rss zxx rwnmm jk hkh adeg.� Which makes no more sense then the other option,
�Jk jk xxx yzz vwwq hills adding no 783 quak dkk rr ghmn sun hills you do wad malf ace.�

In this little bit of tampering I have noticed that it is possible to derive the word �Hills� twice.

Looking at things from a numeric perspective, and turning his name into algebra by pairing the letters in the alphabet with their corresponding numbers (a=1, b=2 etc.)you can achieve the following equation:
S=23 H=7 A=1 U=32 N=14 M=13 I=9 C=3 A=1 L=7 L=7 E=5 F=6

Therefore the total number of his name is 108, which seems a little silly because if you look at it like an algebraic equation and solve it like this:
Sx23+Hx7+Ax1+Ux32+ Nx14= Mx13+Ix9+Cx3+Ax1+Lx7+Lx7+Ex5+Fx6
Therefore Sx23+Hx7+Ax2+Ux32+ Nx14= Mx13+Ix9+Cx3+Lx14+Ex5+Fx6
Which is just downright confusing and a waste of time. Time that I have so I think I�ll waste some more.

I did some baby name research and found out a lot about the meaning of �Shaun� as the damn sites didn�t have �Micallef�. Some thought Shaun was a female name, many agreed it was from a root of �Sean� (though one thought �John� and originated in Hebrew (some say irish), but there were heaps of almost conflicting meanings:
(a)God is Gracious
(b) God's Gracious Gift
(c) God gave
(d)God�s gift
Hmm�He appears to be a gift. YAY! Giftie giftie giftie giftie Gift!

I also found this site that claims to analyse your personality via your first name. This is what it said about Shaun:
Your name of Shaun has created the desire to focus on the details of your immediate interests to the extent that others consider you to be fussy. You are attracted to, and could excel in, the mechanical or technical fields, such as computers. Instead of establishing the system and order you would like, you are over-particular in some things that matter to you personally but lax and indulgent in other ways. You place great importance on whatever you happen to be interested in, and can be quite thorough and detailed in what you are doing, but find it difficult to be consistent. You scatter your efforts when things becomes too monotonous. You have intense urges and feelings for which you can find no expression. At times you are motivated more by moods and desires than by sound logic and reason, and under conditions of stress you could react inadvertently in temper or stubbornness that you would regret later.

Riiiight�I believe it �I think I�ll end this rambling now�

Fly to the top!



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