The possibly, recently ancient and moderately worshipful shrine

Filmography: Micallef Tonight

And ye, doth Frances' knee spake to thy guests in a knee and spaking manner

"I don't need to practice law, I speak it fluently!"

 This show was aired in the month of 7/03 being shown on WIN in Australia, and tis live. Shaun interveiws various people, indulging in the occasional pre-recorded excerpt (Plainclothes Firefighters- That tragic one where her got the bucket-tare in his cartilage...WAA!). He also has some running sections: Audience participa-Shaun, Consumer power...Tips, questions from people via phone and Frances' knee.

You should know by now that Channel Nine are complete creepaziods and have axed this program (DAMN THEM TO SOMEWHERE SMELLY!) and you can find more details on this from the 'random articals' section. I miss my Monday Shaun fix!

Anyhoo, onto some interesting things. This article was found here and I didn't know who to email to ask, so it is used without permission. Sorry :(

Our boy Shaun to liven up Monday nights


Adilade lawyer-turned-TV-star Shaun Micallef will be doing live television his own inimitable way, when he kicks off his own weekly variety show next Monday, May 12, at 9.30pm.

Micallef Tonight will feature all the usual suspects - interviews, music and commercial breaks - but then there's the SM Factor which will see his sophisticated lunacy shining through.

''I'm very excited about the opening sequence ... if all goes well it will include the name of the show!'' Micallef revealed exclusively ... to everyone who interviewed him.

Micallef's own sitcom, Welcher & Welcher, has already been seen on ABC-TV this year, but the variety show will give him carte blanche to liven up Monday night television.

The show will come from GTV9's famous studio in Melbourne where Graham Kennedy, Ernie Sigley and Don Lane kept variety kicking!

''I left some boxes of stuff here when I did the Logies in 2001 and it's a good excuse to come and pick them up,'' Micallef quipped.

That just about sums up how spiffy the show was. Shaun is obviously not a born inteviewer, but I think he did jolly well! I'm actually a little glad that he was nervous for the first few inteviews as I noticed that he fiddles with a pen when he is nervous and I like to know that sort of useless trivia...

Here are some spiffy gags from the show, thanks to for the resorces, i.e. Reminding me of stuff :)

The italics are direct Shaun-quote-ness, please give images time to load.


Behold Exhibit A. The Iced Vovo. A delicious bicsuit by the Arnotts company, which features pink icing and shredded coconut (that's the biscuit, not the company). Unfortunatly for the 'Little Aussie Battler', Arnotts was bought out a while ago by Campbells Soups, a decidedly un-Australian company. How are we supposed to buy Australian when our very Vovos are being snatched away from us? Well, never fear, because Dick Smith Foods has stepped in once again. They (possibly) single-handedly saved Australia by creating Australian versions of the delicious Tim Tams (cleverly titled 'TempTims'), and now they're going to help us in the Vovo department. How? Well, Micallef Tonight was able to discover some of Dick Smith Foods' new products, including this baby:

Potential Potter

Here is a transcript of a wonderful one-off segment of Micallef Tonight.

With all this Harry hype coming up for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, It's no wonder that Shaun had some incredibly exciting news for us. You may recall that for the American audience, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was renamed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone because it was thought that Americans might not understand what a philosopher was (chuckle). Well, it's happened again -- the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be renamed for the American audience so that they can understand the title:

But gasp! That's not all the news that Shaun had to offer! It was reported that Ms. Rowling was having trouble writing Order of the Phoenix and that this book may be the last.

Now, Micallef Tonight was fortunate enough to get some of the potential scripts that Ms. Rowling has been toying with.

(Looks at camera) ...this is true.
I don't know, I just don't think that she's trying very hard with this.

Here's another script, but...I don't know, I don't think that It's a really good idea to change your main character around like this, Okay sure, It's worked for others, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's always a winning formula.

Those who've seen the latest Harry Potter movie will probably understand this book's direction - but I'm still not sure if it's the right choice.
And this script is more of an abstract approach. But I don't know, it doesn't really work for me.

And, in desperation to get more titles out, Bloomsbury is contracting other writers to take pen to the Potter Universe. Check out the following titles: |Stephan King| Frances Dick| Sweet Valley High| Harold Robbins| Barbera Cartland|

So, all of that cleared up, let's have a group sob that the show was axed in its youth.


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