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By Arjun Prasad

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The fly's foot is a suction cup that is slightly hollow and moist. Pushed against a flat surface. The foot squeezes out air. Moisture seals the foot edge, while the vaccum holds the foot tightly to the cieling.

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Q . How do we speak ?
Ans . Sounds are made by air passing through the Larynx, or voice box, in the throat. The sound comes out through the mouth. You can make different sounds by pushing your mouth into different shapes. Do you Know? If you want to say something loudly you need to pass more air through the mouth. This means you have to take a deep breath before shouting or singing. If you want to whisper you do not need much air in the throat nor do you need to move the mouth much.

Q . How do spiders spin their webs ?
Ans . The spiders web are made of fine silk thread. The spider has certain glands in its belly or abdomen which produce the silk as a liquid . The spinning organs are at the tip of the abdomen and mainly consist of tiny holes. The liquid silk is forced through these tiny holes , making it very fine and delicate . When this liquid comes in contact with the air, the silk becomes solid and thus a very fine thread of silk is produced which forms the web .

Can any one teach how to spin the web

Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Ans . All our senses are controlled by our nerves , which carry messages to the brain . Therefore , wherever there are nerves in our body we can feel the pain in case that part gets cut or hurt. The nerves makes us aware of the pain by sending messages to our brain . However, our hair does not contain nerves and thus there is no sense of pain when they are cut .

Q . Why do Snake shed their skins ?
Ans . Not all NATURALIST agree on this, but most think that the reason snakes shed their skins several times a year is that as the snake gradually grows, the outer skin too tight . Eventually it comes off like a husk or shell, allowing the new skin underneath to emerge .

Q . Why do monkeys comb each other's fur ?
Ans . Monkeys and Apes are often seen carefully combing each others fur with their forelimbs . This combing or grooming helps to remove any particles sticking to the fur . Grooming also has a special function and is a mark of affection and respect .A monkey mother spends hours grooming her Baby.

Q . Why do plants give out Oxygen during the day and Carbon dioxide at night?
Ans . Plants, like all living beings Respire, which means they take in Oxygen and give out carbon dioxide all the time ,both at night and during the day .At night, only Respiration occurs and plant give off carbon dioxide . During the day however another process occurs in the green parts of the plant . Using carbon dioxide from the air and water , the green chloroplasts in the leaves trap the energy of the sun to form starch . In this process quite some energy is given out. The proportion of the oxygen given out during this process is far more than carbon dioxide given out when the plant breathes during the day .
Hi! I leave oxygen in night and carbon dioxide in day . Any problem

Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Ans . Some animals can feel the vibrations before an Earthquake . Some can hear the sound waves but Humans cannot hear these sounds . Animals like dog , snakes etc. have these abilities. These ability can also be found in Fishes like Goldfish .

Q . Why does CHAMELEON change color ?
Ans . It is general belief that a CHAMELEON changes its color as a form of defense , by blending with the surroundings and thus hide from the enemy. This is not true. Actually it does not take the advantage of this form of disguise to hide from enemies. The color changes are a result of the sun's rays on the skin, and the effect of its nerves when stimulated by anger or fear. These make the color cells expand or contract , causing the changes in color for which CHAMELEON is so famous

Q . Why are cats able to see in dark ?
Ans . The eyes of all higher animals contain a muscular structure called Iris .When the light is very bright then Iris closes to protect the cells of the retina from being damaged by too much light . When the light is very dim then then it expands to allow more light to come in .In cats , the Iris is able to expand more than in other animals to allow as much light to enter , and so they are able to see perfectly well even when it seems dark to us .
I can cut you even in dark

Q . How do we catch cold?
Ans . Despite much research, nobody is completely certain why some people catch cold while others do not. Cold research clinics take volunteers in the hope of finding the cause and the cure of the common cold but the strange thing is that while some of the volunteers do catch cold, others simply do not become infected. Their natural resistance to the cold germ is so great
Q . Why do we sweat ?
Ans . Sweating is the most effective way of reducing its temperature. Sweat glands are situated in the dermis-there are between 2-3million in most people and they are tiny coiled tubes which open onto the skin through small holes, or pores. When the body is too hot the glands produce sweat - a mixture of water and waste products - and as it evaporates from the skin surface it uses heat from the body, thus cooling it down.


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