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Arjun Prasad

Golden Eagle

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Aquila chrysaetos), dark brown eagle of the family Accipitridae, characterized by golden lanceolate nape feathers (hackles), dark eyes, yellow cere, gray beak, fully feathered legs, large yellow feet, and great talons. Its wingspread reaches 2.3 m (almost 8 feet). It is the national bird of Mexico.
In North America the golden eagle ranges from central Mexico along the Pacific coast and through the Rocky Mountains as far north as Alaska and Newfoundland. Small numbers range through the Appalachian Mountains as far south as North Carolina.
The golden eagle is protected by federal law throughout the United States, but special permits for the shooting of eagles are issued in areas where the birds are believed to kill lambs. In Europe a few breeders persist in Norway, Scotland, Spain, the Alps, Italy, and the Balkans. The species also occurs in northwestern Africa, but it is more common at higher latitudes and eastward--across Russia, including Siberia, and from Asia Minor through Iran and Pakistan to southern China and Japan.
Golden eagles nest in cliff caves or in lone trees. There are one to four (usually two) eggs, which vary, within the clutch, from all white to brown blotched. Both parents incubate the eggs, for a total of 40 to 45 days. The young (only one or two usually surviving) fledge in approximately three months.

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