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Amateur Scientists and Common Teasers


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It is said, that in a human bieng the physical cycle is of 23 days ; and intellectual , of 33 days . Critical days are those days on which there is transition from one phase to another . At the odeessa port in the U.S.S.R workers are not given any work on thier critical days to avoid accidents

This page is primarily meant for beginners in science. Very often, they come across a variety of puzzling phenomenon which need more ellucidation than readily available in the text books. When I was small child studying in junior school, I came across a variety of puzzling phenomenas which I could not easily comprehend or understand.I have tried to find answers to these happenings and the result is the compilation of simple answers which will make you feel that the phenomena was so easily understandable. These help you to find answers of the questions which you found difficult to find . These also help you to find questions based on wide spectrum of scientific disciplines like astronomy ,wild life and also question which daily arise while observing or reading books . This is my best effort to make you undestand them by pasting photos and by writing it in understandable language . While reading through this page it will help in solving the difficult puzzles or phenomenas and in increasing ones general knowledge in the field of scientific discipline . As to upgrade it I will add 4 to5 question every month. I hope that you would enjoy my Page.

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Updated - December 25, 2001

QUESTIONS it will answer all your questions (30)


Q . How does compass point at north - south Direction ?
Q . What makes a prachute land slowly?
Q . Why in some planes we hear the sound of the plane after we see it ?
Q . Why don't submarine sink when they move under water ?
Q . Why do we feel warm when we run or exercise ?


Q . Why do monkeys comb each other's fur ?
Q . Why do plants give out Oxygen during the day and Carbon dioxide at night?
Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Q . How do insects breath?
Q . Why are cats able to see in dark ?


Q . What keeps a satellite in Orbit?
Q . How is it that our weight decreases on moon ?
Q . When any meteor or object enters the atmosphere, it burns whereas a man made space shuttle or rocket does not burn . Why ?


Q . When a Bullet is fired at a glass pane , a hole is formed but when a stone is thrown , the whole glass breaks . why is that so?
Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Q . A stone feels cold to the bare feet , but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. why?
Q . Why is Brass used in statues ?
Q . Why do we feel sleepy after heavy meal ?

ANIMALS ever heard of kangaroo rat


GLOBAL WARMING tells a lot about global warming

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SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION It gives explanation on Animal's scientific families (17)

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