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KANGAROO RATSget to know about this animal from family of Heteromyidae.








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Q . Why does CHAMELEON change colour ?
Ans . It is general belief that a CHAMELEON changes its colour as a form of defence , by blending with the surroundings and thus hide from the enemy.This is not true.Actually it does not take the advantage of this form of disguise to hide from enemies. The colour changes are a result of the sun's rays on the skin, and the effect of its nerves when stimulated by anger or fear. These make the colour cells expand or contract , causing the changes in colour for which CHAMELEON is so famous

Q . How do spiders spin their webs ?
Ans . The spiders web are made of fine silk thread. The spider has certain glands in its belly or abdomen which produce the silk as a liquid . The spinning organs are at the tip of the abdomen and mainly consist of tiny holes. The liquid silk is forced through these tiny holes , making it very fine and delicate . When this liquid comes in contact with the air, the silk becomes solid and thus a very fine thread of silk is produced which forms the web .

Can any one teach how to spin the web

Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Ans . All our senses are controlled by our nerves , which carry messages to the brain . Therefore , wherever there are nerves in our body we can feel the pain in case that part gets cut or hurt.The nerves makes us aware of the pain by sending messages to our brain . However, our hair does not cointain nerves and thus there is no sense of pain when they are cut .

Q . When any meteor or object enters the atmosphere, it burns whereas a man made space shuttle or rocket does not burn . Why ?
Ans . When any meteor enters the earth's atmosphere, its friction or rubbing with the air makes it heat up to such an extent that it burns and we see a shooting star. On the contrary a man made rocket or space shuttle is protected by a thick heat shield which can withstand very high temperatures and thus they do not burn. This shield is made of heat resistant tiles. If there were no shield, the rocket or the space shuttle would burn up, just like a meteor .


Q . What is hard water ?
Ans . Hard water is that water which contains salts of calcium and magnesium. Due to the presence of these salts, some soap reacts with them and goes waste. Soap does not Lather easily in hard water . Q . Why do Snake shed thier skins ?
Ans . Not all NATURALIST agree on this, but most think that the reason snakes shed thier skins several times a year is that as the snake gradually grows, the outer skin too tight . Eventually it comes off like a husk or shell, allowing the new skin underneath to emerge .

Q . What colour is an insect's blood ?
Ans . The insects blood is either colourless or faint green or yellow .if you have managed to kill a insect and you see red blood , you can be sure that red has come from the blood of some animal or human bieng animal has bitten .

Q . Why are there waves on sea ?
Ans . Waves are the most wholly the result of winds blowing across the surface of the water . The wind drags the water to form waves which slowly moves forward and get larger . Although the wave shape moves forward, each particle of water moves round in circles and does not change its average position .

Q . Why does hair turn grey ?
Ans . The colour of our hair depends on the amount of pigment in it . Dark hair contains more of it than fair hair .This colouring matter is produced in our bodies and is controlled by our nervous system . If anything goes wrong with this control throgh illness but more often by wearing out in old age, then the hair turns grey or white .

Q . How can Cricket tell you the Tempreture ?
Ans . Crickets make a distinctive 'creak creak'sound produced by rubbing the scrapers on the left wing against afile on the right . Like most other insects, the warmer the tempreture, the more active they become. Thier song in its intensity ,acts like a tempreture indicatior .
Iam the cheapest Temperature indicator . Great huh !

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