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KANGAROO RATSget to know about this animal from family of Heteromyidae.








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Q . How do insects breath?
Ans . Insects do not have lungs like us. Instead they have a tube system known as trachea , which runs all over the insects body carrying air . The air is carried to the body when the movement of the insect's muscles pumps it there through opening in the Insect's skin.
Gosh I need a special type of oxygen mask

Q . When a Bullet is fired at a glass pane , a hole is formed but when a stone is thrown , the whole glass breaks . why is that so?
Ans . When a bullet hits a glass pane with very high speed a hole is formed before enough time is spent to have that force transferred to other parts of the glass . But , when a stone is thrown , because of the slow impact , the force get transmitted to other parts and the glass cracks . In the latter case ,the impact energy is absorbed in the glass causing vibraton resulting in its breaking.

Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Ans . Our bodies are made up of billions of tiny things called cell . These cells absorb water when they are wet . The skin on our hands and feet is thicker than on other parts . Therefore it has more cells and soak more water . When our fingers remain in water for long time , the skin becomes spongy and expands but the fingernail stops the skin from expanding in that direction as a result, the skin folds and forms wrinkles at the fingertip .

Q . How does compass point at north - south Direction ?
Ans . Earth behaves like a magnet with its own north - south Poles . But its North Pole is near geographic South pole (The South Pole we predict) and its South Pole near geographic North Pole (The North Pole we predict) . As you know like poles of two diffrent magnet attract . So when the compass's (which is also a magnet ) north pole attract the south pole of the Earth (which is near geographic north pole) , the compass indicate geographic North Pole . This applies same on the case of pointing at the south pole .

Q . What makes a prachute land slowly?
Ans . Like water ,air also exerts a Bouyancy force on a body trying to come down through it . When the parachute is spread , the Bouyancy force becomes very high and almost balances the wieght of parachute and Parachuter together and the parachute descendes slowly through the air .

Q . Why in some planes we hear the sound of the plane after we see it ?
Ans . There mostly two types of planes - SONIC and SUB SONIC planes . Sub sonic planes have the speed less than sound whereas the Sonic planes are those which are faster than sound . so in sonic planes we hear the sound after we see it because it it is faster than sound .

Q . What keeps a satellite in Orbit?
Ans . Its great speed. Satellite in low orbits travel at an incredible 17,500 miles or 27,350 Kilometers an hour ! But at the same time while they are moving forward , gravity is pulling them down . The combined motion - forward and downward - keeps the sattlite in orbit . It remains at a safe altitude above EARTH - and does not even need engines to stay up

Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Ans . Some animals can feel the vibrations before an Earthquake . Some can hear the sound waves but Humans cannot hear these sounds . Animals like dog , snakes etc. have these ablities. These ablity can also be found in Fishes like Goldfish .

Great first they used me for protection,then for my tricks and now they want me to predict Earthquakes ! My life

Q . Why don't submarine sink when they move under water ?
Ans . When a submarine is moving on the surface of water it is kept afloat by the air which is stored in its blast tanks . In order to go underwater these tanks are filled with water . This increases the density of the ship . According to the law of buoyancy the float inside water when the wieght of the body equal to the wieght of the water displayed by it. Therefore tanks are filled till the submarine niether rises nor sinks , but stays at the required depth .

Q . Why do we feel warm when we run or exercise ?
Ans . The human body is like a machine which transforms energy . The body changes energy from food into other kinds of energy . One form of energy is called Dynamic Energy . This is developed in the muscles . When the muscles are used in exercise or running , part of energy is turned into heat - thermal energy . If you run very fast more heat is produced . This is why you feel warm when you have been playing games or running races .

Exercise makes you healthy and wise no matter if you are an Alien or human

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