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Mongolian Journal of International Affairs

Foreign Policy Blue Book

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1. Mongolia's international environment

     Active, visionary foreign policy pursued by Mongolia, continuity and coherence of its diplomatic efforts was a major contributing factor that enabled the country to enhance its independence and sovereignty throughout the XX century. As a result Mongolia enters a new century with restored national pride and firmly ensured place in the world politics.

     XXI century - century of globalization, universality of democracy, rapid development of science and technology offers historic opportunities to Mongolia. Relatively favorable external environment opened broad perspectives for pursuing an independent and multi-pillared foreign policy. A policy that truly upholds Mongolia's national interests, enables to accelerate its economic development and ensure its national security. New progress in information technology provides an opportunity to overcome disadvantages of land-locked location and develop rapidly relying on the intellectual capacity of the Mongolian people.

Foreign Policy Blue Book
     On the other hand, non-traditional threats that have a cross-border impact are becoming increasingly dangerous. Environmental degradation, population migration, international terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, global climate change constitute an increasing danger to regional and international stability as well as an array of traditional threats such as proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile technology, ethnic conflicts among others.

     A major challenge now, when Mongolia is presented with an historic opportunity to pursue a relatively independent foreign policy, is to make the best use of the favorable conditions. Under these circumstances an active, innovative and rational foreign policy is the main instrument for safeguarding the country's national interests and ensuring advancement of the Mongolian people. Mongolia is entering the XXI century confident in her capacity to address the challenge, make full use of the new opportunities, optimistic in her future, and accordingly hereby is charting out the basic goals and the directions of her foreign policy activities.

2. Basic goals of Mongolia's foreign policy

     In the new century Mongolia will continue to adhere to the principles laid down in the Concept of National Security and the Concept of Foreign Policy adopted by the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia in 1994. These principles will serve as the stable and long term basis of its foreign policy.

     Advance of globalization, increasing interdependency in all parts of the planet, spread of democratic ideals, the technological progress and rapid development of information technology on the one hand, deep political, social, economic transformation in Mongolia on the other, constituted the basis for new approaches to the country's foreign policy expressed in the two documents.

2.1. Global society and culture of cooperation

     As a result of unprecedented progress in information technology access to and spread of information expanded, activities of civic societies gained momentum. Today when mankind is faced with a number of trans-boundary economic, social and environmental problems culture of mutually beneficial cooperation has acquired an outstanding importance.

     Hence the Concept of Foreign Policy underlines that Mongolia's "foreign policy objectives reside in �following the trends of advancement of human society, maintaining friendly relations with all countries, strengthening its position in the international community".

     Process of globalization affected every aspect of Mongolia's development, international changes, especially the unfolding political, economic, military and environmental transformations in the Asia Pacific region impact on Mongolia directly or indirectly. Under these circumstances joining the process of globalization is not a voluntary choice to be made by Mongolia itself but the requirement of the ever-increasing global interdependence.

     The main objective of government policy, including the foreign policy is to seize the opportunity to accelerate economic and social development of the country through devising the means of most effective participation in the process.

     Reflecting on the above notion, the Concept of Foreign Policy underscores priority of "ensuring Mongolia's independence and sovereignty, creating favorable conditions for the development � by maintaining friendly relations with all countries, strengthening Mongolia's position in the international community, forming with influential countries in the region and in the world a network of relationships based on the interdependence of political, economic and other interests."

2.2. Ensuring democracy, human rights, human security

     "Insuring the existence of the Mongolian people and their culture" is defined as a vital national interest of Mongolia in the Concept of Foreign Policy. It reconfirmed democracy and respect of human rights as the irreversible choice made by the Mongolian people. Therefore, one of the priorities of the foreign policy is contribute to ensuring human security, development of civil society, promotion of human dignity and the rule of law in Mongolia. NGO's and individuals will play a very important role in the implementation of this objective and the government will assist them in every way in area of foreign relations.

2.3. Developmental diplomacy

     An important objective of the foreign policy is to assist to private businesses in a comprehensive manner, bearing in mind the significance of the cooperation with private entrepreneurs in addressing developmental issues.

     Expanding exports and foreign investments is an important means of accelerating the country's development. Government will create more favorable conditions for businesses in Mongolia, for penetrating new export markets and strengthening its position in already existing markets through foreign trade and investment policies by creating an open and private sector-led economic system, an environment conducive to fair and healthy competition.

2.4. Human Resource Development

     XXI century is a century of information technology. Consequently, a development strategy based on knowledge and intellectual potential is the most promising strategy. In the new century the pace of economic development of the nations will be determined to a greater degree not by its geographic location or the abundance of natural resources but by the education level of its population and rationality of its utilization. Hence, information technology opens up for land-locked Mongolia new opportunities to speed up its economic development through expansion of its foreign trade, cultural and humanitarian exchanges, making fuller use of intellectual potential of its own population. Therefore, it is clear that development of human resources and improvement of education of the population constitute one of the basis for Mongolia's future development. As such this objective is an important goal of the foreign policy.

     Effective participation in the process of globalization, overcoming challenges through cooperation with other countries, consistency in enhancing democracy and human rights, open and free economy are the main objectives before us.

     To achieve these ends Mongolia pursues multi-pillared foreign policy.

3. Foreign policy strategy

3.1. Bilateral relations

     Foreign policy strategy of Mongolia is both multi-pillared and multidimensional. This strategy contains the following goals.

     Mongolia develops and expands its friendly relations with Russian Federation and People's Republic of China on the principles of good-neighborliness, mutual benefit and equality in a balanced manner on a long-term basis. This is a priority of our foreign policy.

     In the framework of the multi-pillared foreign policy Mongolia strives, first and foremost, to develop its relations with influential states of the region and the world and befriend with as many countries and supporters as possible. Moral, political, financial support of industrialized states of East and West such as the USA, Japan are called to play an exceptionally important role in consolidating the new economic, social achievements and speeding up the transition to market economy. Therefore, deepening political dialogue and economic cooperation with USA, developing relations of comprehensive partnership with Japan, expanding our relations with members of the EU such as Germany, Great Britain, France among others are the priorities of our foreign policy.

     Mongolia is a North East Asian country and the developments on the Korean peninsular continue to have a direct impact on Mongolia's security. As a country that enjoys good and stable relations with both Koreas, Mongolia will contribute to enhancing stability and peace in the sub-region. Importance is given to the intensification of our relations in political, economic, social fields with the Republic of Korea. Particular significance is attached to the stable development of long-standing relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

     Mongolia devotes special attention to the expansion of historically important and rich relations with Republic of India and with countries of Asia Pacific, in particular, ASEAN members such as Thailand, Vietnam, Philippine, Singapore among others and Canada, Australia.

     By improving contacts with the Central and Eastern Europe with which Mongolia enjoys traditional ties it will open new export markets and new sources of investment.

     Mongolia attaches special significance to the renewal of trade and economic relations with the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in particular with Central Asian States that embarked on the road of political and economic transition and have been for many years traditional export markets of Mongolia. In our relations with these states Mongolia, while keeping and strengthening the past incontestable heritages, adopts a flexible attitude taking into account the potential of developing our relations in the new circumstances.

3.2. Multilateral relations and processes

     Mongolia's active participation in multilateral processes and international economic organizations such as the activities of the UN, WTO, ARF is an essential prerequisite for the consolidation of its international position and the advancement of her national interests.

     We believe that the processes unfolding in the North East Asia will have deep imprints on the national security of Mongolia. Increased cooperation among the influential powers of the region during the past few years is highly encouraging. Exchange of summit visits demonstrates the outstanding importance of dialogue and mutual cooperation. Mongolia firmly believes that through both bilateral efforts and multilateral negotiations we can make our own contribution to insuring the stability in the region. In doing so Mongolia will strive towards extensive utilization of the first and second track dialogue mechanisms, actively support projects aimed at creation of transport, communications and energy networks, actively participate in regional cooperation on defusing the effects of world climate changes, prevention of environmental pollution.

     Contributing to the strengthening and implementation of international arms control regime will remain a strategic goal of Mongolia. Mongolia is party to Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty, Conventions on Destruction of Chemical and Bacteriological Weapons, the Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Test Ban Treaty and an firm supporter of the non-proliferation regime. Therefore Mongolia holds the view that the consistent implementation of these important Treaties will play a significant role in safeguarding regional peace and stability.

How to get the book

Contact Mr. Amar
Executive Director
Mongolian Development
Research Center
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel/Fax: 976-1-315686
E-mail: [email protected]
Foreign Policy Blue Book

Created: September, 2000. Speaker Group.
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