1c.       flour
4t.       baking powder
1t.       salt
1/4t     cayenne pepper
1c.      corn meal
1/4t.      garlic powder
1/4c      dried parsley.  
1 egg,   slightly beaten
2/3c.     buttermilk
1/4c.     finely chopped onions
In a medium size bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add cayenne, corn meal, garlic powder and  parsley.  
In a small bowl mix egg and buttermilk; combine to dry ingredients with onion.  Mix well. 
By spoonfuls drop into hot oil and cook until done. 
Drain on paper towels. 
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Cracked Wheat-Honey Bread
2 pkgs.    dry yeast
2 1/4c.    warm water
1/2c.       honey
1/4c.       shortening
2t.     salt
1/2c. cracked wheat
4c.    whole wheat flour
2-3c. flour
Dissolve yeast in 1/2c. warm water in large mixing bowl.  Add remaining ingredients, except white flour.  (Don't forget the remaining 1 3/4c. of warm water).  Beat until smooth, about 7 minutes.  Mix in white flour to make dough easy to handle.  Turn onto lightly floured board.  Knead smooth, about 10 minutes.  Place in lightly greased bowl.  Turn greased side up.  Cover; let rise until double in size, about 1 hour.  Punch down; divide into halves.  Form two loaves.  Let rise until double in size.  Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes.  Cool on wire racks.
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