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Angela Lucas, Rider #4446

January Training Log

I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

Other logs : Nov - Dec - Feb - Mar

January Goal: 50-75 miles per week, with one long ride of 15-30 miles each week.

Week 18
1/29/01 - REST - -
1/30/01 13 Exercise Bike 36 After 2 days of rest, I'm feeling much better. I focused on high rpms again, spinning fast and occasionally adding higher resistance for a few minutes.
1/31/01 12 Exercise Bike 33 Same as yesterday, high rpms with intermittent high resistance.
2/1/01 13 Exercise Bike 36 -
2/2/01 8 Exercise Bike 22 -
2/3/01 17 Lake Merced Loop 75- A little disappointed in this ride, since the route they chose cut out two great hills in the Presidio, but I finished it fast, and the weather could not be beat - sunny, gorgeous views of the ocean.
2/4/01 54 Soquel to Watsonville Loop ~360

GREAT ride! The weather was amazing - 70, sunny, some headwinds that were'nt to fun but overall a terrific day for riding. We took our time, so it was a long day, but it was nice to get a feel for being out that long. Good company too.

Total: 117 miles Goal Met -

Week 19
1/22/01 8 Exercise Bike 28 Level 1-3
1/23/01 8 Exercise Bike 28 Level 1-2
1/24/01 14 Exercise Bike; arm weights 39 Level 1-2
1/25/01 12 Exercise Bike 33 Level 1-2; Taking advice from the CARE exchange site, I focused on higher RPMs and pushed myself harder than I have been recently - great workout!
1/26/01  REST  -
1/27/01 45 Uvas reservoir - Morgan hill Loop ~260 Ouch! 1/3 of the way into the ride I steered into a rut and wiped on the side of the road. I was very lucky - my helmet cracked but my head was fine. I landed on dirt instead of pavement. Except for scrapes and bruises, I'm fine. The folks on the ride with me really helped me out. My back wheel was a little funky, but they were able to get it in good enough shape so I could get to a bike shop in Morgan Hill and have the wheel trued. I continued on with the ride, a little battered but grateful to be in one piece
1/28/01  REST

I was pretty stiff after my tumble yesterday, so I decided to rest up today.

Total: 87 Goal Met -

Week 20
1/15/01  REST  -
1/16/01 8 Exercise Bike 22 Level 1-2
1/17/01 20 Exercise Bike 55 Level 1-2
1/18/01   Nothing :( - -
1/19/01 14 Exercise Bike 39 Level 1-3
1/20/01 30 Old La Honda loop 125 Terrific ride. Climbed up the dreaded hill - 3 miles of uphill - with relative ease.
1/21/01 16 LG Creek Trail 110 Flat, but I wanted to get two days in a row on the bike. (15-20 minutes were spent in a tire inflation fiasco. At least now I know how my pump works!)
Total: 88 miles Goal met!

Week 21
1/8/01 -  REST  -
1/9/01 8 Exercise Bike, flat 22 My left knee has been hurting with any resistance, so I'll be keeping it flat on the stationary bike and focusing on real hills, where I can shift into lower resistance.
1/10/01 11 Exercise Bike, flat 30 Low resistance
1/11/01 10 Exercise Bike, flat 28 Low resistance
1/12/01 13 Exercise Bike, flat 36 Low resistance
1/13/01 36 Santa Teresa-Morgan Hill-LG loop 24 Great ride - good hills and terrific camaraderie. Met lots of great riders, stopped for lunch in LG. Very fun ride.
1/14/01 - REST - -
Total: 78 miles Goal met!

Week 22
12/23/00-1/1/01 - Nothing :(  - The holidays kept me from doing much in term of working out. I did spend a lot of time in bike shops though, test riding various potentials.
1/2/01 - Bought my bike!!  - Schwinn Super Sport GLX
1/3/01 16.2 Exercise Bike, random hills 45  
1/4/01 10.8 Exercise Bike, random hills 30 Left hamstring felt tight and pulled just above the back of the knee. I’m going to lay off hills on the exercise bike, since it pulls on that muscle.
1/5/01 11.5 Exercise Bike, flat 32 After 30 minutes of flat on the exercise bike, hamstring felt much better than yesterday.
1/6/01 ~31 Training ride: Stanford-Portola Hill loop 180 Got lost - whoops - but at least I got an extra hill in for training. The new bike was great. Shifting took some getting used to, and I was at the back of the pack, but going my own pace felt great.
1/7/01 12 Los Gatos Creek Trail 120 Tested out my new clipless pedals! First time in these so I did a lot of stopping to get used to them. Didn't fall the first time out so I'm hopeful that I'll get the hang of it!!
Total: 81.5 miles Goal met!

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