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Angela Lucas, Rider #4446

February Training Log

I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

Other logs : Nov - Dec - Jan - Mar

February Goal: 75-100 miles per week, with one long ride of 30-45 miles each week.

Week 14
2/26/01 - REST - -
2/27/01 13 Exercise bike 36 -
2/28/01 9 Exercise bike, weights 25 -
3/1/01 13 Exercise bike 36 -
3/2/01 - REST - -
3/3/01 70 SLO overnight - San Luis to Cambria, then backtrack to Morro Bay ~360 WONDERFUL ride. Weather was great, and the support terrific. We rode along highway one much of the way, with gorgeous views and good rolling hills. And at the end of 70 miles, I felt like I could keep going!
3/4/01 13 Morro Bay to SLO ~140

What a nightmare, the complete opposite of yesterday. We were supposed to do 42 miles, but the wind was blowing so fiercely we decided to just go 15 back to the cars. The 40 mph headwinds were too much for me. I couldn't stay upright with the force pushing me one way and the other. I was separated from the group and thought I was lost. I had to walk my bike just so I could keep moving. Eventually an angel stopped to SAG me. It wounded my pride that I had to SAG, especially since I felt strong enough to keep riding. The wind just didn't cooperate, and I didn't like the feeling of being alone on a deserted country road going less than a mile per hour!

Total: 118 Goal met -

Week 15
2/19/01 - Vacation - -
2/20/01 - Vacation - Only managed to get one workout in on my vacation - bummer.
2/21/01 13 Exercise bike, weights 36 Found a good free weights routine that I hope to incorporate in my weekday workouts.
2/22/01 12 Exercise bike 33 -
2/23/01 12 Exercise bike 34 -
2/24/01 21.5 Exercise Bike 60 Rain meant another long gym ride. Boring!
2/25/01 40 Golden Gate Park to Fairfax ~360

Great ride! The occasional rain and wet road made It slow going, but the views were terrific. We rode through the Presidio, crossed the Gold Gate Bridge, we down through Sausalito, throught the marshlands in Mill Valley and stopped for lunch in Fairfax. A long day, but a wonderful ride.

Total: 98.5 Goal Met! -

Week 16
2/12/01 11 Exercise Bike 30 -
2/13/01 11 Exercise Bike 30 -
2/14/01 - Vacation - -
2/15/01 13 Exercise Bike, flat 36 Good workout, but didn't stretch enough afterwards and ended up with very tight calf muscles.
2/16/01 - Vacation - -
2/17/01 - Vacation - -
2/18/01 - Vacation -


Total: 35 Goal WAAAY not met -

Week 17
2/5/01 - REST - -
2/6/01 - REST - -
2/7/01 15 Exercise Bike 41 -
2/8/01 13 Exercise Bike 36 -
2/9/01 10 Exercise Bike; weights 28 Haven't done weights in a while, so I want to get back into the habit
2/10/01 - REST - Rain, rain go away! Couldn't get out for a ride with the downpour, and never made it to the gym for an alternate workout :(
2/11/01 31  Exercise Bike 90

Rained again, so I went to the gym. Not much fun, but at least it was something.

Total: 69 Goal not met :( -

Week 18
1/29/01 - REST - -
1/30/01 13 Exercise Bike 36 After 2 days of rest, I'm feeling much better. I focused on high rpms again, spinning fast and occasionally adding higher resistance for a few minutes.
1/31/01 12 Exercise Bike 33 Same as yesterday, high rpms with intermittent high resistance.
2/1/01 13 Exercise Bike 36 -
2/2/01 8 Exercise Bike 22 -
2/3/01 17 Lake Merced Loop 75- A little disappointed in this ride, since the route they chose cut out two great hills in the Presidio, but I finished it fast, and the weather could not be beat - sunny, gorgeous views of the ocean.
2/4/01 54 Soquel to Watsonville Loop ~360

GREAT ride! The weather was amazing - 70, sunny, some headwinds that were'nt to fun but overall a terrific day for riding. We took our time, so it was a long day, but it was nice to get a feel for being out that long. Good company too.

Total: 117 Goal Met -

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