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Angela Lucas, Rider #4446


I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

The thought of riding 575 miles in 7 days has put the fear in me. I took on this challenge to prove to myself that anything is possible. That I am stronger than I know.

Getting myself in shape to ride an average of 80 miles a day down hilly California started with my first training ride on my knobby-tired mountain bike. The AIDS Ride organizers do a great job of posting training rides that happen every weekend all around the Bay Area. Now that I have my road bike, the rides are much better, but still a challenge for a novice rider like me.

My training has been going really well. I've biked over 2400 miles since November (about 800 miles on the stationary bike during winter and the rest on my road bike.) The biggest obstacle has been time. I've started biking to work, which has been great for building up mileage during the week. As the final weeks count down, I've gone on a few longer rides, like the Chico Century ride (100 miles) and the Russian River Campout (two 80-mile days in a row). I've pretty much given up on a weekend social life, since rest and hydration don't mix well with late nights and drinking. But I have been enjoying the terrific weather we've had lately, spending many many hours riding through the beautiful (but hilly!) Bay Area. As you sleep in all cozy on weekend mornings, or enjoy a leisurely breakfast, think of me out there somewhere tackling those hills!

You can check out my training goals and track my progress on my training log. Make sure you're getting your donation's worth!

My Gear Wish List, conveniently added for my birthday on March 18th!

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Past logs: Nov - Dec - Jan - Feb - Mar

April Goal: 150-175 miles per week, with one long ride of 65-80+ miles each week.
May Goal:
175-250+ miles per week, with one long ride of 80-100 miles each week.

Week 4
5/7/01 - REST - -
5/8/01 - REST - -


23 Rode to work and back 124 -
5/10/01 11.5 Rode to work 59 -
5/11/01 - - - -
5/12/01 - - -- -
5/13/01 - - -


Total: - - -

Week 5
4/30/01 - REST - -
5/1/01 25 Kings Mountain Road - Stanford loop 210 Good climbing, but we got a late start and took a long break, so the late bit was in the dark, with no lights. Scary, but we made it home safe and went out to the Peninsula Creamery afterwards as a reward. A milkshake and a burger taste great after a ride!


23 Rode to work and back 120 -
5/3/01 23 Rode to work and back 122 -
5/4/01 23 Rode to work and back ? Got my first on-the-road flat about 3 miles from home. It took a while to get the tire off, but I was able to patch the tube and ride home.
5/5/01 80 Russian River Campout Ride 540 We started at Fort Baker in Sausalito and rode to Guerneville in Marin County. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, a little warm but so beautiful. I got a little saddle sore mid-way throughout the ride, but by the end of the ride I felt fine. When I got into camp I felt great. Terrific day of riding.
5/6/01 80 Russian River Campout Ride 660

The way home was a lot harder. My knees felt tight last night but I didn't ice them or take any anti-inflammatory. This morning I was very stiff and within 5 mile my knees were killing me. I had to take an Aleve, which helped but masked the pain, leaving at risk to further injury. I had to go really slow, and it was a much hotter day. Still, the ride was amazing - along the coast through Bodega Bay and along Tomales Bay. Despite long setback of taking a 45 minute wrong turn and changing a flat, both alone, I made it home feeling tired and hungry but well.

Total: 242.5 Goal Met -

Week 6
4/23/01 23 Rode to work and back 111 -
4/24/01 21 April's Death Ride: Stanford - Los Altos loop 120 I'm a little out of shape on the hills, but not that bad. Always nice to get hills in during the week.
4/25/01 23 Rode to work and back 111 -
4/26/01 - Rest - -
4/27/01 11.5 Rode to work 57 -
4/28/01 22 Canada Road - Skyline - Kings Mtn 90 Good slow climbing. A short day to get ready for tomorrow's ride.
4/29/01 100 Chico Wildflower Century 480

Terrific first century. Two significant climbs and one minor climb on a very uneven surface that made things hard. The first big climb up Honey Run Road was great, the second on Cherokee Rd. not as long but steeper and harder due to the heat of the day. I felt great at the end, stayed fed and hydrated the whole way. I know I'm ready for the AIDS ride.

Total: 200.5 Goal met -

Week 7
4/16/01 11 Exercise bike 31 Too many errands to run, so I couldn't ride to work. Bummer.
4/17/01 23 Rode to work and back 109 First time riding from the new house.
4/18/01 10 Exercise bike 28 -
4/19/01 10 Exercise bike 28 -
4/20/01 - Nothing - -
4/21/01 - Nothing - -
4/22/01 - Nothing -

Awful - prior obligations kept me out of town and not riding for the second weekend in a row. I'm nervous about being ready for next week's century ride.

Total: 64 Goal not met -

Week 8
4/9/01 10 Exercise bike 28 Icky weather and a ton of errands made this a car day.
4/10/01 26 Stanford-Huddart Park loop 135 Good ride. We met after work and did the loop. It was chilly, but nice riding weather. It got dark fast with the clouds rolling in, but overall a good ride. Nice to get some hills in during the week.
4/11/01 32 Rode to work and back 148 -
4/12/01 - Yoga class - -
4/13/01 - REST - Moving today.
4/14/01 25 Stanford-Old La Honda Loop 150 I stayed up so late unpacking that I too tired to do long ride I planned today. Since I didn't have time for distance, I went for hills. Old La Honda is my favorite climb. Even though it's 3 miles of relentless uphill, I always feel good climbing it.
4/15/01 5 Hillsdale Blvd. 30

Between moving and Easter, this hasn't been the most intense training weekend. I ran out of time for a real ride so I climbed Hillsdale instead, a brutally steep hill that I almost didn't make. I had to stop twice, but managed to get going again without walking my bike. I even stood up at the end, something I have never been conformable with before. Too short a ride, but I least I got out there and pushed myself a little.

Total: 98 Goal not met at all :( -

Week 9
4/2/01 - REST - Much needed after a hard weekend.
4/3/01 - REST - -
4/4/01 16 Exercise bike, weights 45 Took my bike in for a better fitting, so it's back to the gym until I get it back.
4/5/01 32 Rode to work and back 143 The new higher handlebar stem made a big difference in my shoulders and back. And with the new bright orange tape on my handlebars, no one will miss me!
4/6/01 10 Exercise bike 28 Rain kept me form riding to work, so back in the gym again. Bleh.
4/7/01 - Nothing - Had to help setup for a bridal shower, so I took the day off.
4/8/01 57 Golden Gate Park to Lagunitas and back 360

Nice ride, similar to the Fairfax loop I'd done before. The weather was cool, but not windy or rainy. Good ride.

Total: 115 Goal not met :( -

Week 10
3/26/01 8 Exercise bike 22 Took it easy after this weekend, but still wanted to get in some workout today.
3/27/01 - REST - -
3/28/01 32 Rode to work and back 147 First time riding to work - good route with little traffic. Hopefully I can make a habit of it.
3/29/01 7 To Wheel Works and back, with a detour ~60 Had to drive to work to get my tires aligned, but I biked back to work from the shop and took a few detours to get a few miles in!
3/30/01 32 Rode to work and back 145 -
3/31/01 63 Cinderella Classic (metric century ride - 100k) ~330 Fun ride - girls only, many dressed up in crowns, dresses and flowing ribbons. We rode a loop through Dublin, Pleasanton and San Ramon. Rolling hills and no real climbs, but the heat sapped my strength and made it a challenge to ride.
4/1/01 72 Golden Gate Park to Woodside and back ~390

Long day, and very cool compared to yesterday. I wanted to do this ride but missed the start, so I started on a shorter ride. At the San Mateo turn-around, I met up with riders from the longer ride and continued on with them. The strong winds on the way back were awful. I HATE the wind. It made a great ride almost unbearable. But I made it just fine.

Total: 214 Goal way met. -

Past logs: Nov - Dec - Jan - Feb - Mar

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