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Angela Lucas, Rider #4446

March Training Log

I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

Other logs : Nov - Dec - Jan - Feb

March Goal: 100-150 miles per week, with one long ride of 45-65 miles each week.

Week 10
3/26/01 8 Exercise bike 22 Took it easy after this weekend, but still wanted to get in some workout today.
3/27/01 - REST - -
3/28/01 32 Rode to work and back 147 First time riding to work - good route with little traffic. Hopefully I can make a habit of it.
3/29/01 7 To Wheel Works and back, with a detour ~60 Had to drive to work to get my tires aligned, but I biked back to work from the shop and took a few detours to get a few miles in!
3/30/01 32 Rode to work and back 145 -
3/31/01 63 Cinderella Classic (metric century ride - 100k) ~330 Fun ride - girls only, many dressed up in crowns, dresses and flowing ribbons. We rode a loop through Dublin, Pleasanton and San Ramon. Rolling hills and no real climbs, but the heat sapped my strength and made it a challenge to ride.
4/1/01 72 Golden Gate Park to Woodside and back ~390

Long day, and very cool compared to yesterday. I wanted to do this ride but missed the start, so I started on a shorter ride. At the San Mateo turn-around, I met up with riders from the longer ride and continued on with them. The strong winds on the way back were awful. I HATE the wind. It made a great ride almost unbearable. But I made it just fine.

Total: 214 Goal way met. -

Week 11
3/19/01 11 Exercise bike 31 -
3/20/01 10 Los Gatos Creek Trail 60 Finally got out on my bike during the week! The weather has been nice, so I'm going to try to get saddle time instead of the gym whenever I can.
3/21/01 6 Hills by Curtner and 87 40 I decided to go for quality over quantity today and hit some hills. Since I only knew of one near my house, I did it four times, then noticed an even steeper, longer hill and climbed that
3/22/01 10 Exercise bike 27 -
3/23/01 8 Exercise bike 22 -
3/24/01 60 Fremont hills - Palomares and Niles Canyon ~370 Great day of climbing - we started out with a long climb, had lunch in Sunol, then climbed again after lunch. And we finished just ahead of the rain!
3/25/01 50 Page Mill - Skyline loop ~330

My first real back-to-back experience, and it was hard. My legs were weak form yesterday, and the route started with an 8-mile climb. I had to rest a few times and stretch, but once I warmed up I felt better. Once the huge climb was over, it was rolling hills and great downhill. I'm getting less wimpy about hauling down those steep hills.

Total: 154 Goal Met -

Week 12
3/12/01 - REST - -
3/13/01 11 Exercise bike, weights 30 -
3/14/01 9 Exercise bike 25 -
3/15/01 12 Exercise Bike, weights 33 -
3/16/01 13 Exercise bike 36 -
3/17/01 65 Golden Gate park - Marin Headlands- White's Hill - Tiburon loop ~390 What a ride! Full of challenging hills, and the weather was perfect. I felt strong the whole ride, even at the end. I can't believe how good I felt after going so long and tackling so many hills!
3/18/01 - REST -

I wish I could have done some riding to get more back-to-back training, but it was my birthday so I decided to take a day off.

Total: 110 Goal Met -

Week 13
3/5/01 - REST - -
3/6/01 - Arm weights - -
3/7/01 - REST - At a conference Mon-Wed. I should have made time to go to the gym! :(
3/8/01 14 Exercise bike, arm weights 40 -
3/9/01 15 Exercise bike, weights 42 -
3/10/01 45 Lexington to Soquel Loop ~270 Perfect weather- sunny and cool. The ride was tough - over the hill, then back over after lunch. But I did well and riding through the wooded mountain roads made all the uphill worth it.
3/11/01 30 Crystal Springs - Alameda - Menlo Park loop ~180

Another day of great riding weather. A little sore from yesterday, but once I was warmed up all was well. I tackled the steep awful Alameda de las Pulgas, a street I had grown up near but never imagined I would or could make it up on a bicycle. Another great ride.

Total: 104 Goal met. -

Week 14
2/26/01 - REST - -
2/27/01 13 Exercise bike 36 -
2/28/01 9 Exercise bike, weights 25 -
3/1/01 13 Exercise bike 36 -
3/2/01 - REST - -
3/3/01 70 SLO overnight - San Luis to Cambria, then backtrack to Morro Bay ~360 WONDERFUL ride. Weather was great, and the support terrific. We rode along highway one much of the way, with gorgeous views and good rolling hills. And at the end of 70 miles, I felt like I could keep going!
3/4/01 13 Morro Bay to SLO ~140

What a nightmare, the complete opposite of yesterday. We were supposed to do 42 miles, but the wind was blowing so fiercely we decided to just go 15 back to the cars. The 40 mph headwinds were too much for me. I couldn't stay upright with the force pushing me one way and the other. I was separated from the group and thought I was lost. I had to walk my bike just so I could keep moving. Eventually an angel stopped to SAG me. It wounded my pride that I had to SAG, especially since I felt strong enough to keep riding. The wind just didn't cooperate, and I didn't like the feeling of being alone on a deserted country road going less than a mile per hour!

Total: 118 Goal met -

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