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The Two Faces of Xtian Kookery Netnoise Triple Feature

Life's Surprises

From opposite sides of the Christian spectrum come these two nuggets of joy:

Digi-Dilemas and Poke-Problems - How Digimon and Pokemon are brainwashing youngsters into being Satan's legions.

Is Harry Potter Demonic? - An article(?) that starts off a chat log about HP's "demonic nature" and ends up highlighting several examples of Christians embracing Harry Potter. WAY too closely...

From the depths of internet came these three:

 "Dying Millionaire Whispers Secrets" - a generic "I know the secrets of making millions.  Send me money to find out how" spam-mail.

"TOP CONFIDENTIAL OFFER" - a version of the omnipresent Nigerian Bank scam.

"AND ANOTHER KB CARTOON ENDS WITHOUT ROMANCE" - a stream-of-consciousness ramble from recc.arts.animation. Which just proves that even spam is good for something...


Take characters from Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, and The X-Men, sprinkle in cameos from a half dozen other series, tie together with an author-created character (yes, the dreaded Mary-Sue), and wrap the back end of it in a afterschool special and you get the gist of this story. 

Basically, Dragonball Z big bad Freeza is coming to Earth, and the world's fate is in the hands of... A 13-year old mutant/martial artist/sister of one of The Ronin Warriors.

 Actually reads better than it sounds, but still infinitely riffable!

Sweet Beginnings

Violence Aimed Even At Preschoolers

Stealth Wedgie

You want to know what WAFFY means? Then look no further than this flowery little tale. Here we have Keith and Princess Allura of Voltron fame spending their wedding night on a luxury spaceship and debating (for about ten seconds) whether or not to consummate right then and there.

An MSNBC article in which a mother worries about her three year old son, in a culture that peddles violence to a increasingly younger audience. Unfortunately, young Mrs. Hall goes off the deep end of the paranoia pool and comes across more neurotic than Woody Allen ever thought about being.

A weird, logic twisting, little tale in which Voyager is terrorized by invisible, wedgie-wielding invaders. Made all the creepier by the fact that, with a little cleaning up, this could have easily been done as an actual Voyager episode.


WWF.Com Smackdown Recap: April 6, 2000


The first MSTing I ever did. Basically, it's the WWF's show recap. Long on bombast and exclamation points, short on detail or depth. Even goofier if you're a knowledgeable fan of wrestling.



Captain N: The Cavern of Fate

Voyager:  S-Space, Part II

Bishoujo Senshi Sour Lemon

A "novel" approach to lemon scenes, Captain N and Princess Lana duck out of a Mother Brain ambush and end up in the Cavern of Fate.  Their fate?  Sex.

Also features a fight scene the likes of which makes Stephen Ratliff look like Ang Lee.

The continuing adventures of Voyager in that "weird area of space" - now delving fully into thinly-disguised fem-dom territory: Janeway spanks a naked Kes in the middle of the crew lounge, and B'elanna, Harry Kim, and a random female crewman have "fun" in the Captain's ready room.

And still no sign of The Doctor or Chakotay...

Here is a trio of the nastiest Sailor Moon lemons you'll find:

Sailor Venus/Captain America: Passing the Torch - an adult Sailor Venus gets beaten up, kidnapped and raped by the Red Skull and Crossbones.

Chibi-usa's Lover - Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) decides to get busy with a teenaged Chibi-usa - whether she wants to or not.

Chibi-usa's Lover II - Chibi-usa returns the favor from the previous fic, while dressed in random pieces of lingerie.


School Girls

Brightheart The Cub Sitter Voyager: S-Space
in this corner, Taylor Hanson and his pregnant girlfriend share the miracle of birth.  In this corner, Zac Hanson and some hoochie he picked up in a school parking lot have drunken sex at a party.  Apparently written by MST3K's own Torgo.  Proving why Care Bears fics are pretty rare, and why Care Bears lemons are nearly non-existent. In this little script based toilet log, Brightheart babysits the world's most articulate toddler twins. Then proceeds to introduce them into the wonderful world of pedophilia. Biologically impossible, logically implausible, and just plain bad! Allegedly written by a woman named "Pussy Willow", a stereotypically bad lemon in which Voyager flies through "a strange area of space." Said space apparently turns Janeway into a sadistic nympho, Kes into a virtual sex toy, Paris into a horny voyeur, and gives Tuvok (called Tu'vok through half the fic) a nipple fetish.

 Preceded by "A Secular Condemnation of Anime," a short piece of Usenet flame bait decrying the cult-like nature of anime fandom.


Scooby Did

  The first time that I actually went out and looked for a fic to MST. This'll teach me to read something all the way through before beginning to MST it. A Scooby-Doo lemon in which the obligatory creepy, abandoned mansion turns out to be some secret frat boy hazing house and love nest. Starts off harmlessly enough, then delves into rape (hint: Ain't Daphne), Autoerotic sitophilia (Food fetishism – guess who?), and bestiality. In that order.   

My wrestling-centric MSTings, originally done for (and with) my pal Maple Leaf Mickey's wrestling site, the (now defunct) DCCMM. Basically me and the other Usual Gang of Suspects (the wrestling group who meets every Monday at a Hooters in Memphis) who've been kidnapped and placed aboard the Satellite of Pain by Vince McMahon, Mark Madden, and Fred (A former UGoS member.) and forced to read bad wrestle-related stuff until we apologize for not praising McMahon's every move on our site. In keeping with the theme on DCCMM (and the personalities of the real life UGoS, the language is a bit more liberally vulgar than my other MSTings.

Salior (sic) Moon/WWF Crossover

Danielle Fishel & Lacy Chabert At Smackdown

Chris Hyatte's "And Another Thing": September 25, 2002

A MSTing so big, I had to spit it into two parts.

A crossover fic - played WAY too straight - Sailor Moon and company join the WWF (Via "Tough Enough", run afoul of the "evil" Right To Censor, and Serena falls in love with Chris Jericho. 

That's it, that's the plot. All 70kb of it.

Part 1    |    |     Part 2

Ever wonder what really goes on backstage at a WWF show?  Apparently, it's orgies with barely legal TV stars. This reads like the author decided to insert his favorite WWF superstars and his favorite female celebrities into his favorite porn scene Written with "Maple Leaf" Mickey Alderson, and Mike "Cleveland Fred" DeGeorge, it's my first group MST!. Chris Hyatte (the internet wrestling world's answer to Howard Stern) took exception to some net writers stating that they're tired of Bret Hart's frequent laments about the state of wrestling in general, and how bad it's been to him in particular. What's so bad about that? The "holier than thou" attitude would be bad enough, without the added fact that Hyatte's columns are usually equal part cheap shots, gay jokes, and the same "Shut the hell up" attitude he decries in here.


New Beginnings

Legolas: Back To The Future

Columbine's Most Wanted
I'm actually in the editor's seat for this collaboration with fellow Legolas MSTer Chan-wu Yi. 

The sequel to "Life's Surprises" brings us the further adventures of über gurl, Krista Hashiba, as she adjusts to life under Frieza's rule, makes friends with mind-blowing ease, suffers the slings and arrows of sexual harassment, and carries on a passive-aggressive courtship dance with formerly evil Zarbon.

There's just no way I can encapsulate the sheer inanity that is L:BTTF here.  So here's the rundown by fellow MSTer Keith Palmer.

Written with River City Random and Typewriter Monkey (Editors), James Bond, Dreelyn, Chan-wu Yi, Bryan McGucken, Keith Palmer, Rebo Valence, and Juliet A. Youngren.


It's Peter Guerin - Essay style.  Here Peteykins rails against those critics and media types that would try to connect Daria with the tragedy at Columbine. And in classic Guerin style, it's short on facts and references and long on "Daria suffers in high school as I did."

Written with Dalty Smilth (Editor), Tonberry King, Keith Palmer, and Rebo Valence.


Royal And Prime Directives

Love Bites

My first taste of the Marrissaverse. Enterprise is sent to investigate a a feudal age type-planet run by a Starfleet captain and crew, who crashed there 20 years ago. Short on actual Marissa, long on plot holes and bumped-off royalty.

 Written with Bill Livingston (Editor), Matt Blackwell,  Doug Gale, Joseph Nebus, Phantom, Michael Pullman, Chris Ratcliff, and Dalty Smilth

"Weird Al" Yankovic and Hal Sparks (Formerly of "Talk Soup") get turned into vampires.  Wackiness ensues.

My first "official" group MSTing - written with Rebo Valence (Editor) and a cast of thousands (Specifically - Chris "Frobozz" Angelini, CDM, Darth Kirby, Alicia Ashby, Trey Tackett, Glazius Falconar, Justin Golden, NotReallyHere, Amanda Van Rhyn, Tanuki, Kenny Blackwell, Michael Wallen, rJak, Justin Rau, Tim McLees, Antaeus Feldspar, Stratovox, Steve Sul)



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