
( B )   LUKE 16:23-25 � A CLOSER LOOK

Luke writes of the specific location of the rich man who died and the direction to which he looks.  The rich man being in hell lifts up his eyes and in doing so he sees Abraham and Lazarus from a far off distance.  Since the rich man is looking upward then such action clearly indicates that both Lazarus and Abraham are up in a area above the place where the rich man dwells.   Hell is a place below to which a person descends whereas paradise is a place above to which a person ascends.  A person does not descend to go to a place that is up.   Which is why I would ask certain of my fellow Christians why they believe that Jesus descended into paradise after His death on the cross.   The truth of the matter is that Jesus never has descended into paradise.  This obvious assessment along with the absence of any scriptural evidence to prove that at one time paradise actually took up a section of space in hell, only reveals that hell and paradise are two completely different spiritual areas in two different directions and locales.  One is above while the other is below. 

Moreover, Luke provides more clear evidence as to the differences of hell and paradise and therefore why paradise based on these differences could never have been a section of hell.  Notice in verse 23 that the rich man in hell is in torments in the flames of hell.  While verse 25 states that Lazarus is comforted.  Thus, there is a written record in Luke that the two places are completely different in their environments; 

And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24.  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue;
for I am tormented in this flame.
25.  But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now
he is comforted, and thou art tormented. -  Luke 16:23-25

The rich man is clearly in an environment of torment and flames whereas both Abraham and Lazarus are in an environment of peace and comfort.  Clearly, these few scripture passages reveal two differing locations with completely opposing environmental conditions.  Thus, in no manner has paradise ever been a section located in some part of hell. 
In addition to this, Abraham says that there is a great fixed gulf which prevents travel from occurring between the two sides of the gulf.  Therefore, in no manner is hell and paradise one and the same place.  In no manner is Abraham�s bosom and hell one and the same place.  The fixed great gulf further proves that in no manner has there ever been a compartment in hell called paradise, much less Abraham�s bosom.   Paradise could never have been in any portion or area of hell when the two are separated by an impassable and immovable gulf. 
Hell and paradise are in no way the same place according to the gospel of Luke.   They are two completely different places in different locales with completely different environments.   That is to say, one is the place of torment in flames and the other is the place of comfort. 

Further scriptural proofs reveal important distinctions between paradise and hell which reveal why paradise could never have been part of any section of that damned region.

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