

The same Christians who argue in support of the Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter books will say that such written works are works of fiction and therefore have no real detrimental effect on the reader.
Obviously the stories are works of fiction.  But the problem is that these books contain works and persons of sorcery, wizardry and witchcraft.  Realities which scripture clearly shows are in opposition to the Living God.  The methods used by the characters in these stories for obtaining desired results are anti-Christian and certainly anti-scriptural.  Fiction or not, such books should be abstained from use by Christians.

Throughout the scriptures, God demands separation from the ways of the world.  When we are born again we are now children of light and not of darkness.  As such, God requires that we have no fellowship with the works of darkness.  We are to avoid these things because God says we should.  In one scriptural example of no longer fellowshipping with works of darkness, it is written;

17.  And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
18.  And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.
Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
20.  So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.  -  Acts 19:17-20

In this chapter of Acts is a good example of no longer fellowshipping with works of darkness. Notice that the workers of curious arts burned their books.  These people chose to believe the gospel preached and confessed their sins and wicked deeds.  As a result the Word of God was able to grow mightily and prevail among the people.   

Stories of the supernatural and of the spiritually fantastic where God and His counsel has no voice is a corruptible thing which does in fact corrupt the mind even the Christian mind. For those of you who read HP and LOTR books and allow them in your home, do you also allow Ouija Boards to be used and consider such to be a mere plaything of no real deadly spiritual consequence?  Do you or would you allow yourselves and your children to wear pentagrams or pentacles around your necks without any consideration or regard for what those symbols stand for or are used for?  If you who believe yourselves to be born-again and Spirit-filled, would you allow the Satanic Bible to be used by any of your family members in your house?  You who believe yourselves to be born-again and Spirit-filled, do you honestly believe that such written works as the HP and LOTR books have no real spiritual danger?  If that is true then you have been deceived already by Satan.

Such books have no scriptural, Christian value or evidence within them and as such can cause the mind to be compromising and over time, accepting, towards the corrupt values and perverse mindset within such written works.  Resulting in rejecting Gods' Word and being disobedient to the truth.  One may think they are harmless, but that thinking is foolish.  If you have HP and LOTR books, such written works should be burned or cut up and trashed.  The only spiritual written work which should grow mighty and prevail in the home of the Christian should be the Word of God.
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