American Pie

by Don McLean

Heard the song? Sure you have! It has been one of the most analyzed rock songs in the past 30 years. Here's a little trivia quiz just for fun. Take the quiz and see how you do. Get them all right? Email me.. You win a Free Slice of Pie!

A Quiz

1."But February made me shiver with every paper I'd deliver". Why?

2.What song does McLean refer to when he sings about being "a lonely teenage broncin' buck with a pink carnation and a pickup truck"?

3.Who was the Jester and why was he "on the sidelines in a cast?"

4.What exactly was the "sweet perfume" in the halftime air?

5."I met a girl who sang the blues". Who is she?

6.Who are "The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost" in the song?"

If you'd like to refresh your memory, here are the lyrics to

American Pie

Highly Speculative Quiz Answers 'cause Don won't tell!

1.It wasn't just cold. Feb 3,1959 was the date Buddy Holly was killed in a plane crash, "the day the music died."

2.Marty Robbins' A White Sport Coat and a Pink Carnation.

3.The jester was Bob Dylan, who crashed his motorcycle in 1966 and went into seclusion in Woodstock while recuperating.

4.Marijuana,dude. Some think it might refer to tear gas lobbed at protesters during the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

5.Janis Joplin, who else?

6.Lots of speculation here: Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper, who all died together in the plane crash; Martin Luther King,Jr. and John and Bobby Kennedy; or Hank Wiliams, Elvis Presley and Holly. Of course he could be just referring to the trinity of Christian religion. Who knows?

American Pie Trivia

Number of copies sold - 1,000,000+

Weeks song was No.1 on the charts - 4

Weeks song was in the Top 40 - 17

Number of Internet references to Pie/McLean - 2.4 million

Anyway you slice it, it's a popular song

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