
Wyatt Earp

My family lived in Shawnee,Kansas...a suburb of Kansas City for five memorable years. These were the '50's...the age of Television and the age of Westerns. As far as my Dad was concerned, there was nothing like a good shoot-'em-up Western. Dad had many favorite shows: Wyatt Earp, Gunsmoke, Have Gun--Will Travel, to name a few.

A few years ago, when Dad died, I came across a faded yellow index card with my name on it. This was tucked away in a "treasure box" in his top drawer dresser. I'd like to share it.

Wyatt Earp Fan Club

This certifies that Susie Sage is a member in good standing in the Wyatt Earp Fan Club with all rights and privileges thereof. 100% attention to the program is required, and all children and wives must keep absolute silence during this period. This membership also allows all charter members to discuss with authority such characters as the Dalton Brothers, Doc Holiday, Billy the Kid, etc. to any extent of exaggeration or imagination with complete immunity and no license for anyone to question.


Wyatt Earp Historical Homepage


Saturday night was Cowboy Night at the Sage's. Have Gun--Will Travel followed by Gunsmoke. What a great job Matt Dillon had, keeping peace in the town and hanging out with Miss Kitty and Doc at her saloon. Kitty was one gal who would always "stand by her man." Whenever there was trouble 'abrewing we could count on Miss Kitty to gaze up into Matt's eyes and say, "Be careful, Matt."

Every week Matt Dillon had some sort of trouble and every week we waited to hear Miss Kitty say those familiar words. This became a family joke around our house. Whenever Dad had to go out of town on business, Mom would say, "Be careful, Matt."

Take a look at Mom and Dad .

Have Gun Will Travel
Courtesy of Marty Rickler

Have Gun--Will Travel Reads The Card of The Man ... That catchy tune, the man dressed in black who played chess - PALADIN. He was a West Point educated gentleman who for the sum of $1000 (a lot of money in those times), would strap on his single action Colt .44 and ride out of San Francisco as a "hired gun". I loved his show, so did Dad.

Here's another "family story" repeated numerous times, at my expense of course. Assuming you already read the notable story "Time To Feed the Chickens", you are already aware our family took vacations by car. One of the "cargames" played was *Movie Stars Initials*... Pretty self-explanatary, we took turns trying to "stump" the other family members. "Yes" or "No" questions were allowed, and if nobody could guess your *Movie Star* (also included TV stars)...you got another turn!

One Summer we drove from Kansas to California to visit Disneyland. I was only 7 years old so you would think my parents could guess anyone I chose when it was my turn at *Movie Stars Initials*. I was elated, I had stumped Patty, Mom and Dad! I was in my glory! I'd even get another turn! They couldn't guess ---- W.P.-----

Everyone announced, "I give up." I revealed my star... Wire Paladin. (The bottom of his business card read Wire Paladin, San Francisco). Mom and Dad were in stitches ! How was I to know "Wire" wasn't his first name ? His first name was a mystery because he was never called by his first name on the show; only Paladin, so I thought Wire was his first name ! You know what ? From that day on, in the Sage Household, he was Wire Paladin.

A Tribute To Have Gun Will Travel

NEXT: The Drive-in Movie


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