Cartoon Relationship Test

This is a fun test~look over this list of cartoon characters and choose your favorite. Then read your 'profile'.

Which one is your favorite character?

1. Tazmanian Devil
2. Tweetie
3. Sylvester
4. Peppe le Piu
5. Daffy Duck
6. Marvin the Martian
7. Scooby Doo
8. Speedy Gonzalos
9. Bugs Bunny

1.Tazmanian Devil: You are wacky and crazy! You are the center of attention at parties. You love food and are always causing chaos. When you are on a date, you're the one who makes the first move. Love comes and goes for you. Can you say....."player" ?

2.Tweety:'re so cute! Everyone loves you 'cause you're so adorable physically and mentally. Face it, people are jealous of you. Love is always there for you. You're the typical "long-relationship" kinda person. If something goes wrong in relationships (family,etc.)you always go to your friends for advice. Tweey-lovers are great listeners.

3.Sylvester: You are very fun-loving and easy to please. People always are talking behind your back because of their utter jealousy. Laughing is what you do best. Crying comes once in a lifetime for you. You are unique in a good way. People want to be like you and find you as a 'cool' person. Love is easy for you to find. Your motto would probably be...Smile.

4.Peppe le Piu: You are the sweetest and most lovable person there is. Guys/girls love being around your 'charmed' personality. When there is something you want you will try to get it. No question about it, Peppe-lovers don't take NO for an answer. It's hard to please you but its very easy for you to please others with your endearing inner-self. Love is here for you and always will be.. not only boyfriends/girlfriends but family or friends. If someone lets you down, there is always someone else that loves you and is there for you. I'd have to say that Peppe-lovers are the luckiest of all.

5.Daffy Duck:You are annoying in a cute way. People love being around you because of your utter goofiness. Making people laugh is your specialty. Daffy-lovers think there is a soulmate out there for everyone. Love is something you haven't found deeply yet but the 'soulmate' will be there...closer than you think.

6.Marvin the Martian: You are definitely in control of your life. People say you're a "control freak". You're the kind of person that is always paranoid with unimportant issues. But that's OK cause there is always someone there to relieve that paranoia. Love is very valuable to you. Relationships have been hardships for you but just remember that you're in control.

7. Scooby Doo:Lets face it, people around you find you quite annoying sometimes. Whether it's the whining or's driving your friends crazy. If you have problems in life,look inward for the answers. Positively speaking, you are very helpful and you love to solve mysteries and problems. Love is a condition far away from your mind. The best advice for Scooby Doo-lovers is to deal with your problems on your own.

8.Speedy Gonzalos:You are ambitious and always heading for your goal. You are a very "fast" thinker and intelligent which is often genetic in Speedy-lovers. Love comes once in a lifetime,unfortunately,but you always have your family supporting you. For you,family always comes first.

9.Bugs Bunny:You are definetly the greatest friend a person can ever have. You're wise and always thinking of ideas. Bugs-lovers have nothing to worry about in life because you always have solutions for everything. Love is always there for you. Fooling around is your specialty. The word Relationship is not in your dictionary. In other words, you are not a steady kind of person. You also love things that have to do with sex.

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