Angels Ascendant

Northern Wolf

Angels Ascendant

Space Wolves HQ

Cult of Ulric Characters

The Angels Ascendant (Blood Angels) were my first 40K army. I chose the red colour scheme first, then the Blood Angels codex after I had seen the Furioso model. Most of these models have been stripped and painted as Space Wolves because I'm not happy with their level of painting. I've saved a bunch to be made into new marines when the new codex comes out. As you can see, I've come a long way as a painter since I began with these models.

Standard Bearer and Sanguinary High Priest


Death Company Chaplain

From the Toronto GT 2003

From the Toronto GT 2003

From the Toronto GT 2003

From the Toronto GT 2003

From the Toronto GT 2003

From the Toronto GT 2003

Last revised September 27, 2004

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