Northern Wolf

Northern Wolf
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support
Angels Ascendant


My Warhammer Addiction

I have been playing warhammer for over three years now. I started with 40K, dabbled in Battlefleet Gothic and have come now to Warhammer Fantasy.

In 40K, I started with the Blood Angels mainly because I had already started painting my marines red and especially because I loved the Furioso dreadnought model. I have graduated to the Space Wolves where I learned a little more how to paint. I dabble a little in the 13th Company, but I have to use regular marines because my wife really doesn't like depictions of evil stuff in the house. (She's half Irish, ie. superstitious, and half Dutch, ie. stubborn about it. In other words, I play "good guy" armies)

I chose the Cult of Ulric as my first fantasy army after a lot of fluff reading. I was looking through back issues of White Dwarf, when I stumbled onto the Cult of Ulric list. Cool! Fantasy era Space Wolves. I am really enjoying the flavours of this list and I especially enjoy the converting and painting of an army that has few pictures available.

My latest craze has been the Inquistion. I've been slowly building and painting Daemonhunters and Exorcists Space Marine armies. I know that you may have seen pictures of red Exorcists all over the place, but this is just disinformation placed by the Inquisition. I've painted mine in their true grey colours! ;-) This also lets me borrow a rhino or two from the Wolfie guys when needed without it seeming too much out of place.

Date Last Modified: 4/22/06

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