Space Wolves HQ

Northern Wolf
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare


The Space Wolves HQ allows for fantastic modelling and conversions. In most games you will need at least three HQ choices so this gives you ample reason to model and paint away. This is my second 40K army and the one where I learned to paint a little better. Thoughout, I have tried to keep a colour theme constant while varying the schemes of some units.

Wolf Lord

Another Wolf Lord

A better picture of Logan

Rune Priest and Wolf Priest

Venerable Dreadnought

A back view

Another Wolf Priest

Fenrisian Wolf

Date Last Modified: 9/26/04

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