Cultof Ulric Rare

Northern Wolf
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support


Well. For rare choices you can have Wolf-Kin. Or you can have Wolf-Kin or even Wolf-Kin. Believe me, though. Wolf-Kin can be tooled up in just about any way you could want. They are stubborn, strength four skirmishers who can have hand weapons, two hand weapons or great weapons. They can have light armour and shields. They will never let you down. The only time they didn't have a chance to harass my opponent was when one unit strayed just a little too close to a helblaster. On top of all this, they are really fun to model and paint.

The cannon model is for when I finally get to play the Middenheim list.


Wolf-Kin with light armour and shields.



Wolf-Kin with great weapons.



War machines are a great excuse to make a diorama.


Date Last Modified: 10/07/04

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