Space Wolves Elites

Northern Wolf
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare


The elites choices are a converter's dream. Wolf guard can be armed in just about any way you want and who can resist the charm of a dreanought or two . . . or even a terminator or six. The wolf guard leader with the plasma pistol below was my first Space Wolf test. I always test a model or two with a colour scheme to see if I like the looks and more importantly, to see if I enjoy painting it.


Venerable dreadnought and a "shooter" dread.


Wolf Guard Terminators


Wolf Guard Terminator


Wolf Guard Leader


Wolf Guard Leader




Date Last Modified: 9/27/04

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