Cultof Ulric Characters

Northern Wolf
Cultof Ulric Characters
Cultof Ulric Core
Cultof Ulric Special
Cultof Ulric Rare
Space Wolves HQ
Space Wolves Elites
Space Wolves Troops
Space Wolves Heavy Support


The Cult of Ulric list has some new characters. Ar-Ulric is an uber-priest and lord choice. The warrior priest of Ulric is similar to the empire priest of Sigmar except that he can pray at a variable level and take some cool talismans of Ulric. The Seneschal is a captain who is immune to panic and passes this on to the regiment he is with. On the downside, there are no wizards, but with the ability to take priests as extra unit champions, I have never had a lack of dispel dice,



Ar-Ulric and two warrior priests,



Seneschal of the White Wolves . . . or in a pinch, a grand master.



Mounted warrior priest of Ulric.


Date Last Modified: 9/18/04

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